To Give or not to Give Nutra Thrive a Try?

To Give or not to Give Nutra Thrive a Try?

To Give or not to Give Nutra Thrive a Try?

Pet?s health

Dogs are man?s best friends and they sometimes need some special attention, especially when it comes to their health. Manufacturers have focused on this and so we now have at our disposal multiple dog supplement choices.

One of them is called Nutra Thrive and it was produced to sustain your furry friend?s health. Besides the fact that these pills fight aging, they also claim to support a healthy digestive system, to fortify connective tissues, and maintain an overall healthy and balanced life.

What is Nutra Thrive?

This 100% natural dog supplement made by Ultimate Pet Nutrition promises to boost your pet?s general health state. It does this, as Nutra Thrive claims, through balancing the good and bad bacteria that exists in your dog?s digestive system and so it keeps it healthy.

The mind behind this supplement is Doctor Gary Richter, known throughout America as ?one of the most renowned holistic veterinarians?. As the head of the Ultimate Pet Nutrition, Dr. Richter states that his product can help your buddy ?live a long and happy life?.

Richter also wrote a book called ?The Ultimate Pet Health Guide: Breakthrough Nutrition and Integrative Care for Dogs and Cats?. According to Amazon, this book holds 57 reviews as the result of an average rating of 4.3 stars.

A quick look on the supplement?s label shows that Nutra Thrive consists of basically all the pedigree any dog owner would want for his furry friend. Still, there?s more to be detailed in order to better understand how this product really works.

So make yourselves comfortable and keep on reading. We?ll discuss more about the ingredients and what the American Kennel Club believes are the side effects of this dog supplement. Plus, we?ll explain more about this product?s pricing and some personal views on its pros and cons.

How to administer Nutra Thrive?

Nutra Thrive is a powder and you are supposed to use it with each meal. It tastes like bacon so your dog won?t have any problem taking it. With each intake, you?ll provide your dog with numerous vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and digestive enzymes.

Each time you feed your dog, you?ll add the appropriate dosage to the bowl of food. In order to mix well the powder with the food, you?ll add enough water so that you get the supplement evenly coating the food.

If you still see some traces of powder, you can add more water, if necessary.

Each breed of dog has a certain weight that will require a certain dosage of Nutra Thrive.

Here?s how to appropriately administer the supplement:

between 0 and 30 lbs, use 1 scoop of powder per meal30 and 50 lbs, 1 and a half scoop per mealfor 50+ lbs, use 2 scoops with each meal

According to the product?s web site, there is not a particular breed of dog that Nutra Thrive is best recommended for. In fact, if you notice your pet dealing with any health issue related to nutrition deficiencies, then this supplement should be the right choice.

Here?s a list of some of the symptoms that should alarm you:

bad smellsflatulencetirednessabnormal stoolsachy jointsanxietylackluster coat

So, once you are certain that there is something indeed wrong with your dog, it?s time to act! However, we couldn?t recommend Nutra Thrive unless we give you a more detailed look on its ingredients.

How do Nutra Thrive?s ingredients work?

If you take a look on the product?s label, you?ll notice there are three main groups of ingredients. These are called the Superfoods Blend, Super Canine Blend, and the Probiotic & Enzyme Blend.

Each of these blends contain a certain amount of particular ingredients that are claimed to greatly support your furry friend?s health.

Here?s what each of them consists of:

The Superfoods Blend combines carrot extract with Reishi, shitake, and maitake mushrooms, along with Methyl-sulfonylmethane, spirulina, and chlorella;The Super Canine Blend mixes Glutathione inactive yeast with beef liver;The Probiotic and Enzyme Blend is a cocktail of Lactobacillus casei and plantarum;The Vitamin and Mineral Blend is a mixture of kelp, biotin, riboflavin, and folic acid.

We believe that it would be too much to detail each ingredient in part. Therefore, we decided to give you a more detailed look on the overall description of either or two ingredients, or the bend in general.

Let?s talk some more about the mushrooms the Superfoods Blend contains. According to the American Kennel Club, known as AKC, mushrooms are not a necessary part of a dog?s diet. However, the carrot extract is a really great addition.

In fact, experts insist on not using mushrooms as a treat for your pet. You should use a carrot or an apple bite-size piece in stead to show him he did something right. Still, if you do want to give your dog some mushrooms, always give him a plain one, without spices and oils.

An article published in the Animal Wellness magazine points out the benefits that come with glutathione. It?s an antioxidant that is thought to reign above all other such substances.

In fact, as experts state, without it, your furry friend?s cells would break down as a result of an inappropriate oxidation process.

Bacteria in Nutra Thrive

However, it seems that ingesting it orally makes it useless. This happens because the time between ingesting and digesting is to little for it to provide all the health benefits it is known for.

Containing three amino acids, glutathione is ingested quicker by the gastro-intestinal tract. Therefore, the oral administration doesn?t do much for it to help it take part in supporting your animal?s health. a good example is asparagus.

Apart from any other food, this one contains more of this antioxidant. Nevertheless, the gastro-intestinal tract digests most of it.

Regarding probiotics, needless to say how important they are. Not only for humans, but also for animals, if we judge by the numerous products containing them.

For your dog, probiotics are a great relief when dealing with nervousness or stress, which can result in diarrhea.

Still, experts point out that the good bacteria found in Nutra Thrive are not known to have any impact on relieving diarrhea. The Lactobacillus casei, the probiotic that this supplement contains, is, indeed, naturally present in your pet?s gut.

Therefore, it can help by maintaining healthy levels of it.

What about vitamins and minerals?

Finally, if we were to take a closer look at the vitamin and mineral blend that Nutra Thrive offers, some things are worth mentioning. In fact, it seems that certain ingredients are actually great in keeping your dog healthy.

For example, think of biotin, which is popular for keeping a shinny coat and for strengthening tendons and ligaments. This mineral can be naturally procured from meats so if you keep your dog on a healthy diet with high-quality food, biotin levels should be ok.

Folic acid is another ingredient we feel the need to tell you more about. Not only for humans, but also dogs, this mineral can greatly help. However, when administering folic acid to your pet, there are some things to keep in mind.

First off, remember that if your dog simultaneously takes other drugs, the folic acid?s benefits can be disturbed. Second, you need to check your pet?s folate levels before supplementing him with folic acid.

You know what they say ?Too much of anything is bad?.

Therefore, all this research we did on Nutra Thrive?s ingredients clearly shows that some can indeed benefit your dog. On the other hand, other ingredients are just going to go through your pet?s digestive system and not help at all.

In regard to any of the side effects that this product might bring along, we haven?t found any that the ingredients we discussed could cause. However, keep in mind that maybe your dog will pee more as a result of the folic acid ingested in excess.

Nutra Thrive price

These dog supplements come in a 114-gram jar which costs $69.99. If you decide to buy more, know that three jars will cost you $188.97, while six jars add up to $356.95.

All shipping taxes are included and you should also look out for the new-customer offer. This comes with other lower prices that might interest you.

With one jar you?ll cover 30 scoops of supplement. So if your furry buddy weighs between 0 and 30 pounds, one jar should be enough for a whole month.

For 30 to 50 pounds, one jar will cover 20 days and for those weighing more than 50 pounds, 15 days will require one jar.

To help get a better idea about what amounts of this dog supplements you?d need throughout an entire year, here?s an approximation:

For a small dog, one year of Nutra Thrive will cost you $611.65For a medium dog you?ll spend $968.60For larger ones, above 50 pounds, $1,325.55.

Also, another important aspect to consider is that once your order is confirmed, it will get shipped to your address in 10 to 15 days. If anything bothers you with Nutra Thrive, they offer a 90-day return policy.

This means that you have approximately 3 months from the day it got shipped to return it.

In case you need a refund, you?ll first contact the customer service support at 800?604?5827. Once the product you returned arrives at their facility, your refund should be processed.

Is Nutra Thrive better than other supplements?

The market is literally filled to the top with numerous varieties of dog supplements. There?s nothing to blame in this, as the demand seems to become higher and higher.

However, we do believe that some products do a better job compared to others.

For instance, comparing Nutra Thrive with ActivPhy, another product that caught the public?s attention, some things should be mentioned. While Nutra Thrive supports the overall health, ActivPhy claims to maintain only your dog?s joints health.

As for the price, ActivPhy will sell one jar of 75 dosages for $24.99, which is a far better value than what Nutra Thrive has to offer. Still, what you get for this amount of money counts. Pay more for supporting the general health, or pay less, but cover only the joints.

The present market has other options, as well, but few of them seem to cover the overall health state. As we mentioned, some, like ActivPhy will help your dog?s joints. Others, such as DOGgevity, will help with pain relief and it?s anti-aging effects.

All in all, what matters most is your pet?s wellbeing. When deciding if any supplementation is needed, we highly recommend that you first talk to a professional vet and check other pet supplies for your friend to enjoy.


Products come in all shapes and sizes nowadays and prices vary from one manufacturer to another. It?s important, therefore, to know exactly what you want to buy and what you intend to use it for.

After doing this research, we can firmly say that Nutra Thrive comes with both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, it can greatly help your pet through the ingredients it contains.

For instance, biotin and Lactobacillus casei are known to support the overall health. your dog?s coat will improve and his digestive system will function better.

On the other hand, we noticed that some ingredients of Nutra Thrive will only pass your pet?s system, improving nothing on its way. It?s the case with glutathione that, as several vets have reported, has too little time, once digested, to affect in some way or another the body.

Therefore, if you decide that your furry friend needs some additional health supporters, first and foremost have a detailed conversation with a vet. Do some tests to know for sure where your dog stands and only after decide what is the next good step to take.

In the end, dogs are man?s best friends.