Michelle Lewin Workout Routine and Diet Plan

Michelle Lewin Workout Routine and Diet Plan

Michelle Lewin is one of the most known names in the fitness industry in present time. Being endowed with the perfect body and enviable abs this beauty has been the talk of the town.The Venezuelan model grew up in the city of Maracay where she started her early career .

Michelle being from a family with limited means, used to be very skinny in her school days and went through teenage complex.

When she turned out to be seventeen year?s old she started her journey in fitness and realized her passion, and soon turned fitness into an obsession.

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Michelle Lewin Workout Routine

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Rome wasn?t built in a day, same goes for Michelle?s well toned body. Michelle worked hard for her extremely well toned body. Michelle being an ardent fitness lover makes sure to train 5 times a week.

Michelle prefers lifting lighter weights over heavier weights to reduce the risk of injury and she use a higher rep range to get that well toned figure.

Her fit lifestyle, enviable abs and Greek goddess like figure has made her quite a rage among female fans. Girls across the globe wanted to have figure like Michelle Lewin. Michelle in an interview told that she got whole lot of female fans from around the world. She quoted ?I never thought I would get to that point, especially since I?m an ex Playboy Cover Model. But girls! Thanks! I love you! You?re the best!?

Michelle lewin?s training consists of targeting different body parts in a week. She believes in exercising all the muscles equally to get the perfect proportionate body. If you want a perfect figure like Michelle here?s her workout routine and diet plan which you can follow and improve your lifestyle.

Michelle Lewin?s Full Workout Routine

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Rest Days: Thursdays and Sundays.

Michelle Lewin?s favorite 3 exercises

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In an interview to a leading fitness blog Michelle told her 3 most favorite exercises which are as follows:

Sprints ? She said that sprints helps her tighten her booty and burns fat at the same time.

Lunges ? As Michelle loves her toned legs she does lunges to target her leg muscles

Side Lateral Raises ? Michelle loves training her shoulders and sculpt her delts and side Lateral Raises does helps her get those toned delts.

Michelle Lewin Diet Plan

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Even though exercise is crucial to reach Michelle?s shape, the secret to her shape is not just weight or muscle training.

She quoted ?It?s all about nutrition, before I was training a lot harder than today, but I ate bad. Today I work out lighter, but I eat very healthy. That was when my body started changing drastically.?

This stunning beauty likes to consume several small meals throughout the day from nutrient rich foods. The reason Michelle prefers small and frequent meals is to keep her energized without getting hunger pangs. She sticks to healthy sources of foods like oats, egg whites, Stevia pancakes, unsweetened almond milk, and protein shakes.

In Michelle?s diet plan we have noticed that her diet consists of blend of complex carbs from veggies, sweet potatoes, oatmeal and brown rice. Michelle use lean protein sources like chicken breast, ham, Grilled Salmon to get her muscles recovered from those grueling workouts. She also added healthy fats and omega 3 from foods like Salmon and Olive oil to lower cholesterol, promote healthy skin and boost her immune system. Below is Michelle Lewin detailed diet plan:


6 Egg whites

Oatmeal topped with almonds



Baked sweet potato

Grilled chicken breast

Steamed broccoli with olive oil


Grilled salmon

Brown rice and steamed asparagus

Casein protein shake before bed


Ham on Swedish crackers

Pork chops with salad

Michelle Lewin?s Supplementation

Michelle?s diet plan also consists of supplements, her favorite being Pro Amino, Big Blend, Bullnox, Fulldose etc. to add those extra nutrients and fill in the nutrient deficit to her worked out muscles.

How to Reach Michelle?

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Michelle is pretty active on social media you can check her diet plans, workouts and pics from modeling on her Instagram, Facebook and Twitter Account. Just join her in her life journey on social media and get inspired like we did.

Instagram: michelle_lewinTwitter: @michelle_lewinFacebook: FitnessMichelleWebsite: http://michellelewin.com/

Source: Michelle Lewin Workout Routine and Diet Plan