How To Seduce A Married Woman?

How To Seduce A Married Woman?

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Seducing a married woman can be a tough game if she doesn?t like to be pursued. A married woman can be serious about their marriage and may not be interested in having extramarital affairs for the complications they bring. Posting love quotes or sending sweet-nothing texts will only make you look immature and she may reject you outright. You have to make her like you and your company, and then tell her you are interested in her. By genuinely approaching her and creatively impressing her, chances are she may be into you already before you ask her out.

If you feel strongly attracted to a married woman, you would want to seduce her. Flirting with a married woman may sound the easiest first step, but it can be met with a strong reaction as well. You should know that unlike single women, married women know men far better and can sense the hidden agendas easily.

At times, a married woman may play along with you, perhaps to spice her life up, but making further advances may even make her back off. That?s why it is crucial to go very slow, interpreting her each moves correctly. Always remember, a married woman would respond to you better if you offer her distraction, not a need for commitment.

8 effective tips to seduce a married woman

You meet a beautiful woman at the gym. She is funny, charming and you find yourself attracted to her immediately. Or perhaps you wish to impress a lady you work with. Just as you are mustering up the courage to ask her out, you find out she?s married. Too often most of us find ourselves in situations where we can?t take things further with a woman because she is married.

We tell you how to make a married woman want you sexually.

  1. Shower with compliments and praises: Women like people who appreciate their beauty and the way they carry themselves. However, with married women, there is a catch. Compliment her well, and often, but do not be direct and don?t overdo. Just use the compliments in an attempt to break the ice and be friends with her. It is easier to graduate to a lover if you are already friends with her. Also, married women tend to get rarely appreciated for their looks by their husbands. This can give you a much-wanted edge to make things work out
  2. Be fun to hang out with: Since she?s married, her relationship is probably monotonous. Offering fun and excitement is a sure way of attracting a married woman. When a man knows how to lighten up a woman?s mood, he is unlikely to be turned down by her. She is going to want to be with you to get out of the monotony of her current relationship and to brighten up her days. Plus, she may start to enjoy your company ? giving you more time with her
  3. Make her feel special: Dress up well for her, get her flowers and give her surprises every now and then. Married women often complain that they are taken for granted by their husbands. Sundays are spent lazily at home in pajamas and the rest of the days? husbands are busy. Chances of attracting a married woman become more real if you can offer her a contrasting experience by making her feel special. However, if she is a no-nonsense woman, you may have to be very careful, as she may feel that you are doing all this on purpose
  4. Have healthy conversations: Married women are weighed down with the responsibilities they have and rarely get to talk much to others. They crave healthy, meaningful conversations but all that they get talked about is family life, cooking and mundane tasks. Discuss the day-to-day affairs with her ? religion, politics, movies, places to see and visit. See what interests her most and have healthy conversations with her. Also, make it a point to tell her often that you like the way she reasons. She will feel that you appreciate her for her abilities, not just her good looks
  5. Be a good listener: Married women often don?t have anybody to discuss their marriage problems with for fear of being judged. Sometimes, they do not share because of trust issues. If you give her that confidence and be a friend, you get that edge of knowing her problems for real. Your chances of attracting a married woman increase if you listen to her problems and offer her support. But do not go to the extent of agreeing with her blindly ? and never say anything bad about her husband
  6. Congratulate her on her achievements: Did she get a promotion at work? Send her a text if you cannot congratulate her face to face. Did she bake something for the first time? Tell her it was great. Did she drop a few kilograms? Tell her she looks more stunning than ever. These tactics will please your woman, help you smoothen your relationship with her and win her over
  7. Be a thorough gentleman: Whenever she does you a favor, or helps you with something, make sure you thank her. Be grateful to her if she helps you with a project, thank her when she does something out of her way for you. For a married woman, a lot of what she does goes unnoticed and this might just help you get closer to her for being different than her husband
  8. Be discreet: And when she starts to confide in you, give her the confidence that you will be discreet. Assure her that you are trustworthy and not going to talk about your relationship with others. Married women often shy away from relationships outside their marriage because they fear complications if the husbands find out. Being confidential is important if you want to seduce a married woman.

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How to make a married woman want you sexually?

The first and foremost thing is to make the woman get attracted to you sexually ? which basically involves invoking the feelings of sexual desire in her when you are with her. To make her feel sexually attracted to you, you need to make sure that what you say and do in her presence has some elements of turning her on. Well, here are some tried and tested tips

  1. Be masculine: Your style, behavior, conversations and body language should always be masculine when you are trying to get a married woman sleep with you. The masculine vibe will make you look irresistible and create a spark between the two of you while you interact. The masculinity also makes women feel ?girlish? again, and married women tend to get attracted towards men who have the air of masculinity about them
  2. Make it clear to her that she is attractive: According to a research done by Dove International, 80% of women agree that every woman has something about her that is beautiful, but do not see their own beauty. That means you need to repeatedly assure a woman that she is attractive and beautiful, and if you are trying to seduce a married woman, you simply cannot ignore it. A married woman may seem confident and modern, but she is most likely insecure about the way she looks. If you want to have sex with a married woman, make sure she feels sexy in your eyes, and finds herself the most gorgeous woman when she is with you.
  3. Use verbal cues to communicate your interest in her: Flirting is globally acknowledged as a great way to create a spark between a man and a woman. A married woman has most likely past this phase and if you start on with healthy flirting with her, you might as well ignite some lost feelings. Well, if a little bit of flirting arouses her interest in you and gets you a step closer to have a great night with her, what?s the harm?

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  1. Build sexual tension: Now that she has the cues that you are sexually interested in her, you may as well start on building the sexual tension between the two of you. The moment she starts to feel sexually tuned in to you, try escalating to sex quickly and build the tension. The more excited she gets, the more aroused she feels, and the better she plays in bed. If you build sexual tension correctly with a married woman, she may not just like to have sex with you, but also feel like she NEEDS to get closer to you so that the built sexual tension can be released. Works in your favor man!
  2. Work on turning her on: And now, turn her on by using seductive words, texts, sending sexy pictures evoking sexual fantasies in her and all that you may feel will turn her on. Once she is sexually excited to be with you, she may even make the first bold step of sleeping with you. Touch her seductively, hug her closely when bidding bye, and expressing your desires to her in the most subtle, but sexy way.

How to seduce a married woman with text?

In this age of technology, text messages can be your teasing tool, and they work effectively on women. You can seduce a married woman by texting her, provided you are able to get her number! Being a little creative with the words you use, the timing and intentions can make any woman excited and aroused over text messages.

Playfully text her about what she is doing, but do not leave questions as they are. Keep on adding ideas so that she texts you back and the conversation happens. Time them right, like just when she is about to go to bed so that she sees your text and you are the last thing on her mind before she goes off to sleep. text her early morning, the first thing she sees is your name and it just sets the tone for her day.

Texting can also be fun because we all make spelling mistakes, and you could intentionally do so to put ideas in her mind. Or correct her spellings and ask her questions with some playful double meanings. Text messages can be fun, because you do not need to make an extra effort and yet get to make her think about you. And how! We have an interesting article on the subject which we recommend you read. To seduce a married woman, all you need to do is naturally throw in a lot of humor in conversations and she is half yours.

Attracting a married woman with these simple tips can make her want you ? as she is already impressed by you and feels safe and secure in your company. She may desire to even go to the next stage given the importance you give her and the way you make her feel special. After all, these are the things all womenfolk crave, married or unmarried, young or old.

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