How to Eat Pussy Like You’re Starving

How to Eat Pussy Like You’re Starving

It?s more than just ravishing the clit

Image for postPhoto by: DisobeyArt / Shutterstock

Oral sex came late to me. It?s not something the guys I hooked up with or my boyfriends used to do. And I was too shy to ask for it.

One guy was a little more promising. While we were dating, he kept telling me over email that he really wanted to ?eat my muff.?

And then we?d get together and not only would he not mention my muff, but his mouth went nowhere near it.


I?ve heard from a lot of women who have similar experiences. They meet guys who brag about how much they love eating pussy. Most of them either say that they love giving it more than receiving it or that they could do it for hours.

And just like my fake muff diver, these guys often turn out to be all talk. Not because they won?t spend hours eating pussy or turn down a blowjob to give their tongues a workout, but because they barely do it at all. Sometimes, she has to practically beg just to get a few quick licks.

When I met my husband, I met a guy who didn?t brag much about eating pussy. He just took it for granted. For him, it was just a regular part of sex.

And I?m glad it was, because getting eaten out was immediately enjoyable. As soon as I felt his tongue lapping at me, I knew I wanted a lot more of this.

It just got better over time. Mr. Austin already had some experience in that department when I met him, and I gave him plenty more over the years.

Now, oral is the center of my sex life.

It?s one of my favorite ways to get off and consistently gives me strong orgasms. It?s as important to me as penetration.

Unfortunately, I?ve seen some misconceptions and terrible advice floating around online. Some of it is overly simplistic. Some of it makes you wonder if the guys writing it ever even put their methods to the test. And all of it is a missed opportunity to dole out some genuinely useful advice.

So, I did some research, consulted Mr. Austin about his technique and methods, and helped myself to quite a bit of experimenting. If you?re totally new to oral or you just want to up your game, this guide should help.

Work Up to It

Your tongue is soft, wet, and can be used quite gently. But that doesn?t mean you should jump right in and start licking your partner?s pussy without any build up.

Pussy eating is often lumped into foreplay, but it needs some foreplay of its own.

It?s not impossible to enjoy it without any preparation, but it?s also not as fun.

When all the prep work is skipped, my inner thighs and outer labia are ticklish. So a lot of the stimulation that would normally arouse me feels more distracting than pleasurable.

It?s not a hopeless situation. I?ll get there eventually. But when we start too soon, I usually struggle to get off, and if I do it?s almost never as satisfying.

Save yourself the extra work by prepping your lady before going down. Makeout sessions and massages, hip squeezes and nipple rubs ? whatever works to get her going.

Beards and Stubble

Your facial hair (if you have any) is another thing to keep in mind before you get started. Clean, smooth shaves and full beards are fine ? it?s all the things in between that can cause problems.

If you?re licking at a woman?s clit, your chin is getting up close and personal with her, too (assuming you?re not on top of her). If you?ve got stubble or a short beard, it can irritate the vulva. It?s not a pleasant sensation at all, and it?s hard to focus on the pleasure you?re getting when you?re being scratched up at the same time.

You can give yourself a fresh shave so that you?re smooth or just be mindful of what you?re doing. While you?re keeping your tongue busy, pay attention to where your chin is and make sure you put a little distance between your stubble and her very, very sensitive skin.

Eat It Like You Mean It

If there?s one thing that distinguishes good oral from mediocre oral, it?s attitude.

You need to approach it with enthusiasm. That means not just doing it out of a sense of obligation or because you?re hoping to get oral in return.

Eating pussy like you?re starving will make a big difference even if you don?t have a lot of experience.

A hungry attitude serves two purposes.

First, you put your partner at ease. Women grow up with a lot of shame about their bodies and not a whole lot of opportunities to feel good about what they have between their legs. Even if she has great hygiene and a pornstar pussy, she might still feel self-conscious about it. Showing her your enthusiasm will help her stop focusing on those insecurities.

I felt that way about myself when I met Mr. Austin. But he assured me that he wasn?t just willing to eat me out ? he really, really wanted to. That helped me feel more confident about spreading my legs and just enjoying what his mouth could do to me.

Your enthusiasm also changes the entire vibe. It?s really hard to get off when you feel like someone?s just pleasuring you because they think they should. But having someone between your thighs who makes you feel like there?s nowhere else they?d rather be is super fucking sexy.

Don?t Pressure Yourself

You need to feel relaxed, too. Putting too much pressure on yourself can fuck up your performance and ruin your enjoyment.

Making her come might be your goal, but focusing on it too much can be a bit distracting. It can make you impatient. It can make you try what you think are tried and true formulas instead of just having fun and getting into.

If you start to feel the pressure, just change your focus. Instead of trying to make her come, just try to make her feel good (which isn?t that hard to do when your tongue is licking up her lips). Even better, just tell yourself to have fun ? be playful and use your tongue to explore her pussy.

She?ll come or she won?t, but at least this way you?ll give her a good ride before getting her off some other way (or letting her get herself off).

The Clit Isn?t a Magic Button

Okay, so I need to make a little confession here. I did not do such a great job when I ate pussy.

Tons of advice out there implies that the right way to eat pussy is a simple two-step process: find the clit and lick it fast and hard.

That?s mostly wrong. The clit isn?t some magic button that you find and use to activate an orgasm.

But that?s still what I did when confronted with pussy for the first time. I spread her lips, placed my tongue at her clit, and started licking as hard as I could.

It was a rookie mistake and I really could?ve used a guide like this one (I?ll know better next time!)

The problem with attacking the clit right away, or too early, is that it makes the whole experience less enjoyable. I don?t know if it?s different for women with a lot less sensitivity (I know there are some big Magic Wand fans out there), but my clit doesn?t take too kindly to it.

When there?s too much intensity too soon, I get desensitized. It?s like my clit goes a bit numb. Everything that comes after is a bit less pleasurable and I have a hard time reaching a climax. And when I do have an orgasm, it?s not usually a very strong one.

So what do you do instead? Well, lick around. There?s a lot more vulva for you to explore. Keep your tongue busy with the labia majora (outer lips), labia minora (inner lips), and tease around the clit. You?ll eventually make it to the clit, but with so much more ground to cover there?s really no need to rush.

Think of Your Tongue as Having Two Modes

Your tongue is a muscle and a pretty impressive and precise one at that. You can change its shape and its firmness depending on what you do with it.

Think of it as having two modes. You can keep it flat, soft, and relaxed, or you can make it firmer and thicker. (There are degrees between the two, but there?s no need to over complicate things.)

Both of them are good. Use those two different modes to add variety to what you?re doing. You can give two completely different sensations by licking the same places in a different way.

I prefer when things start with a soft, relaxed tongue, but it?s all good, really.

Start Slow (And Consider Ending Slow)

I know I said you should eat pussy like you?re starving, but I don?t mean you need to start devouring her. Think of it more like sitting down a three course meal.

Start slow. You need to give her a chance to build her arousal and work her way up to a climax. Once she?s getting closer and she?s well into it, then you can start increasing your speed.

Though you don?t have to. I?ve had some really good orgasms from some fast licking, but I?ve also had some bed-shaking ones from being lapped at a slow and steady rhythm.

Increase the Pressure as You Go

Pressure is the same as speed. Starting with too much feels like jumping ahead. It?s better to have a build up.

When the pressure comes too soon, so do I.

My orgasms are weaker and less satisfying. They?re good ? but they?re much better when things start soft and the pressure increases gradually.

Remind yourself that you?re going for quality, not speed. Getting her off fast isn?t as impressive as getting her off really well.

Like speed, though, I don?t necessarily need the pressure to intensify to get off. I can go easy all the way. Though that might not work if your partner is less sensitive.

Sucking Her Clit Is a Big Maybe

Clit sucking is one of those things that a lot of guys consider their killer cunnilingus move.

This is a controversial one, and again seems to mostly come down to clit sensitivity.

My clit is way too sensitive to enjoy clit sucking. I find it so unpleasant that I even wrote a whole article about it.

But it does work ? and work quite well ? for some women.

So, if you want to try sucking her clit and you haven?t had an explicit conversation about it, be very tentative. Give it a very gentle and brief suck and gauge her reaction. If you can?t tell, ask her if she liked it. Unless she gives you the green light, don?t keep going or you might start to spoil her fun.

Tongue Fucking Isn?t for Most People

Tongue fucking is a little less controversial. Some women like it, but as far as I can tell, most don?t.

I consider it just fine. I?ve had Mr. Austin?s tongue lick around my vaginal opening and I?ve had him insert his tongue into me and fuck me with it. It just didn?t do much for me.

Like clit sucking, do this one tentatively. If you want to try it, give a few licks and gauge the reaction. Or insert your tongue briefly and see what kind of response you get.

It might bore her or it might thrill her, but you might not know unless you get your tongue in there and find out. And she might not know how she feels about it, either, until you try it. A little exploring never hurt ? just be ready to pull back and move on if it?s not getting results.

Avoid Falling into a Routine

There?s no step-by-step process for good oral sex. It?s a lot more about attitude, enthusiasm, exploration, responsiveness, and a few key pieces of knowledge.

In fact, falling into a routine is a bad idea unless your partner has one specific way she wants it done.

Switching things up will keep it fun, fresh, and exciting for both of you. But more importantly, she might need you to come prepared with different moves and techniques.

Different things work for me at different points in my cycle. Something that might not work for me at the start of my cycle can be the key to bringing me to orgasm when I?m ovulating. So, it?s a good idea to vary the technique ? try to figure out what works today instead of sticking to a single formula.

Don?t Take Her Out of the Zone

At some point, the recipient of all your tongue action will cross over into her orgasm zone. She?ll be nearing her climax, and all you have to do is help her reach it.

How will you know she?s in the zone? It depends. If you?re lucky, you?ll be with a particular vocal lady. She?ll moan things like ?Don?t stop? and ?Keep going.? Just follow her directions and you?ll be good.

Some women, though, are a lot less noisy during this phase. I?m one of them. I need to focus if I?m going to get over the hump and fall into an orgasm. So, I get a lot quieter. I might moan, I might groan, but it?ll be more subtle than before.

It?s been an issue in the past. Mr. Austin has mistaken me being in the zone for thinking I wasn?t enjoying what he was doing. So, he?d switch things up when I got quiet, and I?d have to start building my orgasm all over again.

So, if she goes quiet, pay attention to her body language. Is she gripping the bed sheet? Is she biting her lip? Are her muscles tensing up?

If you?re attentive, you should be able to figure out whether she?s getting bored or getting close.

The easiest solution would be to just ask, but this is the one time I would advise against verbally checking in. For one thing, making her talk will break her concentration and might take her out of the zone. But also, the one thing most women need at this point is steady, uninterrupted stimulation. Basically, if you want her to come, don?t change a fucking thing. And taking your mouth off her pussy to ask if you?re doing okay is changing things up quite a bit.

And if you misread her entirely and think she?s on her way to a climax when it?s just that you?re tongue fucking her and it?s not doing anything for her? Well, chances are she?ll give you some kind of signal. She?ll shift her hips and move around so your tongue is hitting her where she likes it. Or she?ll ask you to do something else. But in all likelihood, it won?t be necessary ? you?ll be able to tell soon enough how she?s feeling.

Keep Your Hands Busy

If you?re going down on someone, you don?t need to keep your hands at your sides like you?re bobbing for apples.

You might be using one hand to stroke yourself, if you can manage to multitask like that. Or you might be using them to prop yourself up if you?re trying some elaborate position. But if your hands are free, use them to touch her.

You don?t have to do anything intense with your hands ? your tongue is the main event right now ? but it?s always nicer if you can stroke, touch, or squeeze her hips, thighs, breasts, or stomach (if she?s into it).

You can also finger her while eating her out. I completely, thoroughly enjoy this and can get some intense blended orgasms from it, but it does require some extra coordination and concentration. And you might get a little uncomfortable if you end up doing it for too long.

If you?re going to finger her while eating her out, wait until you?re deep into it (pun entirely and completely intended). Start too early and she might not be ready to fully enjoy it ? and you might get tired of multitasking long before you?re done. I don?t have a precise number, but a good rule of thumb is to wait about five minutes before introducing any fingers.

The classic move with the fingers is to stimulate the G-spot by inserting one or two fingers and rubbing about two knuckles deep.

You can also rotate your fingers 180 degrees so you?re doing the same move but rubbing downward. That?s where you?ll hit a little spot known as the perineal sponge. Hitting that spot on its own won?t bring me to an orgasm, but when it?s combined with oral, it intensifies the pleasure.

If your partner is into it and you?re confident in your skills, you can eat her out while fingering her pussy and her ass. Yep, I?m here endorsing the shocker (well, the shocker plus oral). Obviously this isn?t everybody?s cup of tea, but for those who like it, simultaneously stimulating three erogenous zones feels really fucking good.

But remember that all of this is optional. At the end of the day, I?m willing to bet most women will not be disappointed if you ate them out without getting your fingers involved.

Talk Dirty to Her

This is another optional move, but it?s a good one.

Taking your mouth off her long enough to tell her she?s fucking delicious, that you can?t get enough of her pussy, or that you can?t wait to make her come can be extremely arousing.

It?s also reassuring. As I mentioned above, a lot of women feel shame about their bodies and guilt about receiving pleasure. Showing your excitement by saying a few nasty things can put her at ease.

Just don?t do it when she?s in her orgasm zone. As I said, that?s not the time for taking your mouth off her.

Lubrication Always Helps

The nice thing about cunnilingus is that you?re both producing natural lubrication. You?re getting her wet while also applying saliva. Don?t be afraid to slobber on her ? it just feels good.

And you can totally use lube during oral sex. A lot of people don?t realize this because things already get pretty wet, but the extra slickness takes it up a notch. Just make sure you use water-based lube ? silicone-based is slipperier but it?s best to avoid ingesting it.

Flavored lubes are also fun, especially if you?re someone who finds the taste of pussy merely tolerable. Mileage varies on this one, though. Flavored lube is still lube, so it won?t be like eating candy, but some people still find it tasty and fun. And if you don?t like the taste of lube at all, there?s really no shame in going all natural and making sure you keep your saliva flowing.

Practice, Practice, Practice

To get really good at eating pussy, you need to keep practicing. Go down every time, or almost every time, you have sex and you?ll master it in no time.

But even if it?s your first time doing it, all you need is the right approach to get good results. That?s why I wanted to make sure this guide was thorough, just like oral sex should be.

Sliquid Swirl Cherry Vanilla lube is amazing for oral sex ? and it?s safe to use on her pussy. You can get it here. That?s an affiliate link ? if you click on it and purchase anything on the site, I earn a small commission and you will be supporting my work. ?

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