52 Things to Do Before you Die

52 Things to Do Before you Die

The Ultimate Bucket List for every Area of Life

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Dreams and aspirations are as individual as we are as humans. But sometimes we need a little bit of inspiration to fuel our dreams and goals. Here it is: the ultimate bucket-list for every area of life. Feel free to add stuff in the comments!

Personal Development:

  1. Go on a trip all by yourself.
  2. Learn to love and accept yourself.
  3. Have a mental breakdown.
  4. Read a book.
  5. Find a mindfulness technique that works for you: meditation, journaling, yoga, etc.
  6. Find a mentor.
  7. Set a crazy goal and achieve it.
  8. Find your purpose.
  9. Learn a new language.
  10. Develop your own morning routine.
  11. Learn to play an instrument or sing.

Health & Fitness:

12. Get in the best shape of your life.

13. Find a type of exercise you love.

14. Listen to your body and find the diet that works best for you: glutenfree, vegan, paleo, keto ? as long at it is fresh, healthy and nourishing.

15. Do a 1-week cleanse, detox or fast.

16. Successfully stop a bad habit.


17. Take your family on a holiday.

18. Live with someone other than your family: your partner, flatmates, your dog?

19. Have a one-night stand.

20. Fall in love.

21. Have your heart broken.

22. Have sex in a weird place (a car, the beach, the restroom, etc.).

23. Plan a special date night.

24. Take care of someone: kids, friends, your parents.

25. Make friends.

26. Loose friends.

27. Do something kind for a stranger.

28. Find your soulmate.

Work & Success:

29. Apply for a job that is way out of your reach.

30. Start something: your own business, organisation, non-profit project, blog or side hustle.

31. Be a leader.

32. Create something: a book, a piece of art, a product?

33. Fail: get fired, run out of money, shut down your startup.

34. Go completely broke.

35. Find your own definition of success.

36. Teach something you are good at to other people.

37. Take a big risk.

38. Find your passion.

39. Volunteer.

Fun & Adventure:

40. Hike or climb a mountain.

41. Go on a boat.

42. Don?t sleep for 48hrs.

43. Attend a festival.

44. Do something that you always wanted to do.

45. Sleep in a tent.

46. Live in a different country.

47. Go on a road trip.

48. Fly ? even if it is just in a plane.

49. Dive ? even if it is just in a swimming pool.

50. Spend 24hrs without internet connection.

51. Get lost.

52. Dye your hair or shave it off.

What is on YOUR Bucket-list?

Comment below 🙂


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