1. Assume Rapport

The trouble with her is that she lacks the power of conversation but not the power of speech.George Bernard Shaw

Imagine you?re going to a party. You know the host and a couple of other guests. There will be drinks. There will be small talk.

Do you feel excited to meet all those new people? Or are you shrinking away in horror and already thinking about faking peritonitis to get out of it?

You?re not alone.

There are two kinds of people in this world. The first go by the Irish principle of strangers being friends they haven?t met yet. And the second live by Sartre?s principle that hell is other people. Unfortunately for the latter, they also have to socialise at least occasionally.

Good conversation is like a well-paced game of tennis, neither too fast to return serve, nor failing to return and letting the ball drop. Here are ten tips to help you raise your game, whichever camp you?re in.

Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you?d have preferred to talk.Doug Larson

If you struggle with talking to strangers, approach them as though they?re someone you know. Assume you already have a friendly connection. Drop your shoulders, breathe out, offer a smile or a brief but firm handshake as appropriate. Odds are they feel the same about you, and you?re not intimidating, are you?

2. Listen More

We have two ears and one tongue that we might listen more and talk less.Diogenes

Most people wait until the other stops speaking and then weigh in with their own observations. Active listening is a technique that aims to ensure the speaker feels heard. And since most people want to talk about themselves, they will think you?re great if you let them. Listen, acknowledge by gestures such as nodding, and then summarise what they said before responding. Try, ?So what you?re saying is??

3. Avoid Interrogation

The primary use of conversation is to satisfy the impulse to talk.George Santayana

A rapid-fire series of questions isn?t just hard to respond to, but can come across as aggressive. Relax and let them answer one question at a time. Remember you?re meant to be listening, and if your questions come in a constant stream you aren?t really listening or responding.

4. Don?t Choke

That?s all small talk is ? a quick way to connect on a human level ? which is why it is by no means as irrelevant as the people who are bad at it insist. In short, it?s worth making the effort.Lynn Coady

It?s easy to mock small talk about the weather, the game, or property prices, but they?re safe and universal subjects to get things started. You might fear you have nothing to say, but there?s always something. Look at the local newspaper or trade magazine before you arrive to see what the hot topics are. If you don?t watch the current big thing on TV, have something else to talk about in books or movies.

5. There?s An Art To Delivery

It?s the way I tell ?em.Frank Carson

We draw a great deal of meaning from the way speech is delivered. Practice a stance you?re comfortable with and avoid closed body language. The words are often less important than tone, speed, and clarity of speech.

Breathe evenly. Adjust your volume to match the room. Speaking too fast will lose your listener, and too slow will bore them. Keep your point in mind so that you don?t meander and lose the thread of your statement.

Some people are effortlessly funny, some are unintentionally funny, and then there?s the rest of us. Comedians are masters of timing, but they practise their material ? in low stakes situations ? before headlining their national tour. Avoid telling jokes unless you?re confident, but laugh at them whenever possible.

6. No Monologues

A conversation is a dialogue, not a monologue. That?s why there are so few good conversations: due to scarcity, two intelligent talkers seldom meet.Truman Capote

Even if you?re the most knowledgeable person on the topic being discussed, avoid monopolising the conversation. You don?t know what other people know and you risk coming over as arrogant. Remember that conversation is a game in which both parties speak and listen in turn. When you hold forth you?re lecturing, and people?s eyes will glaze over. We?ve all been trapped by the single subject bore. Don?t be that person.

7. No Open Combat

Conversation isn?t about proving a point; true conversation is about going on a journey with the people you are speaking with.Ricky Maye

Conversation is not a full-contact sport. Rein in the need to be right all the time and keep away from arguments. If someone tries to pick a fight with you, decline. Move away, feign ignorance, or change the subject. Social gatherings are rarely good settings in which to confront people. If you think you?re superior to other people, keep it to yourself ? and consider that you?re probably wrong.

8. Steer Clear Of Controversy

The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right place but to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.Dorothy Nevill

In a mixed gathering, there will be a range of opinions on any subject. Deeply held convictions are not going to change over the canaps, and that includes yours. One of the great joys of life is discussing deeper issues, but reserve that for the right audience. Avoid politics, religion, and any charged subject from current news.

If you?re faced with someone espousing views you?re absolutely opposed to, you have the right to move on. Don?t put up with unnecessary discomfort. Socialising is hard enough.

9. Practise Emotional Intelligence

Silence is one of the great arts of conversation.Cicero

Be aware of the person you?re talking with. Do they show signs of interest with open body language? Are they oriented towards you, the exit, or someone else? One of the worst sins is constantly scanning the room for the next mark. This makes the other person feel ignored and insignificant. If you see someone else you want to speak with, finish your conversation and excuse yourself politely.

Know when a conversation has ended and try to move on with grace. Pay attention to cues.

On the other hand, if you do connect with someone, ask open questions and listen. If you want them to say a bit more, try waiting combined with encouraging actions such as smiling or nodding. Often people will respond again to fill the silence. If not, offer something of your own. The best conversations happen when both people are relaxed and willing to reveal something true about themselves.

10. Know Your Limits

Introverts, in contrast, may have strong social skills and enjoy parties and business meetings, but after a while wish they were home in their pajamas?many have a horror of small talk but enjoy deep discussions.Susan Cain

Extroverts are energised by social contact, whereas introverts are drained by it. Both need other people to varying extents. If you?re introverted, plan accordingly. Watch your energy levels and leave before you?re exhausted. Accept that you?ll need a period of withdrawal to recharge and work it into your schedule as a priority.

Don?t Sweat The Small Talk

Introverts who brave the introductions and small talk have the chance to find a kindred spirit who?s happy to chat in a quiet corner while extroverts work the room. If you?re lucky enough to go with a more outgoing partner or friend, that might offer the perfect cover. You?ll still have to drag them away at the end though.

Treat small talk as a starter for ten rather than a trial. Life is all about making connections and that means being comfortable with social situations, whether you prefer talking or listening.

You can?t get to the deep without first going through the shallows.

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