Walking Around The House Naked

Walking Around The House Naked

Be Brief

Was something my mother loved to do

Image for postPhoto by engin akyurt on Unsplash

I?m not sure if she did it to annoy the hell out of my dad, or whether she just enjoyed the feel of cool air on her warm skin, but I remember my mother loved getting naked. Any excuse. She?d get up in the morning, and walk naked through the house to the kitchen to make coffee. If she came out of the bathroom, invariably, she?d be naked.

At the time, we were in a hot country ? in northern Nigeria, so she had every reason to shed her clothes. 90 degrees Fahrenheit in the shade was not an unusual daytime temperature.

But mama would just wiggle her fine, generous ass, pat her stomach with a satisfying whack and reply, ?They came out of here you know!?

I do remember my dad saying a lot, ?Woman put some clothes on nuh?. (Nuh is a very West Indian word which translates as I beg of you or similar.)

Later, as we grew older, he?d say, ?The boys can see you,? hoping to embarrass her by referencing her two sons.

But mama would just wiggle her fine, generous ass, pat her stomach with a satisfying smack and reply, ?They came out of here you know!?

Dad never did cure her of her penchant for nakedness.

And guess what? Her daughter does the same thing today.

Marla Bishop lives in London with her family, her dog Ellie and a fish called Sparkle. She?s the only person she knows who thinks she?s funny. You can follow her here


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