The Best Times of Year to Apply for Jobs (and When to Avoid)

The Best Times of Year to Apply for Jobs (and When to Avoid)

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Just as your qualifications and experience, the timing of your application too, is vital in determining the success of your job hunting endeavors. There are specific times of the year when you will have a way better chance of landing a full-time job or seasonal gig compared to others. On that note, let?s start our discussion by highlighting the best times of the year to apply for full-time positions. Then, we will explore what time is right to choose for a seasonal posting.

Let?s get on with it. Here are pieces of advice to consider when applying for regular jobs:

When Should I Start Applying for Jobs? Sufficiently Early

When to start sending applications is not an exact science. But, that does no good in attempting to answer that nagging question ? ?how far in advance should I apply for a job?? Well, many experts contend that the ideal hunt ought to commence some 3?4 months before you need a particular job. It is, however, vital to note that we cannot pin it to either 3 or 4 months because your search may depend on several factors, for instance, the demand for your qualifications and skill-set, the city or state you are moving to, and the general state of the economy.

That said, you need to be quite crafty in your search. With the 3 to 4-month lead-time, you can choose to adjust either upward or downward depending on your work industry. You should also take the size of the company you are applying to into consideration before sending out the resume. See, large companies tend to have lengthy and more complicated recruiting processes.

Wondering when to start applying for jobs in senior roles? For you, the 3 to 4-month rule will not do the trick. You will need way more time. Put your judgment to use to determine the appropriate time to send out your CV.

Nurses and doctors can send out their applications 2?3 months in advance. Why? Often, people in these professions do not face a lot of trouble finding interested employers.

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Best Months to Apply for Jobs: Good and Bad Month for Job Seeking

Believe it or not, there is such a thing as the best months of the year to look for a job. The beginning of the year, which is between mid-January and February, is the prime time for hiring for most companies. Hence, as a job seeker, it is also the best time of the year to send out your applications. Most organizations advertise new vacancies in the first quarter in a bid to meet their goals for the year. Also, most employees who leave their posts for greener pastures or retirement, do so at the end of the year. Therefore, firms tend to hire replacements at the start of the new year. You will need to work harder though if you are applying for a job during these first two months as competition for available opportunities is also high.

March to May are still good months to apply for jobs. For one, not all hiring managers are quick to recruit in January. Some begin a bit later. Also, as summer nears, there is increased pressure on HR managers to finish candidate screening and interviews to get people to fill the available posts. And if you have been told ?we will get back to you? after a seemingly great interview, make sure you send a follow-up letter as most recruiters are usually very busy in the first quarter of the year.

June, July and August are quite slow and so, not the best time to apply for jobs. Employers tend to take their vacations during these summer months, and most companies are generally on a slowdown. There may be a few positions open but it overall harder to secure a job during these months.

During September and October, hiring picks up momentum. These months are pretty good for a job hunter as summer is over and hiring managers are back to work. As the year goes to a close in November and December, hiring goes down. But as a proactive job seeker, you can start applying for jobs in December to be ahead of the competition when recruiting commences again in January. Also, there is less competition for the few positions available.

Which Is the Best Day to Apply for a Job?

The day you send out your application determines whether you will make it to the interview stage or not. Regardless of what you thought earlier, there is indeed a ?best day? in the week to send your application. Research has shown that on this day, searching for jobs is likely to yield positive results compared to the rest. So, what day is it? Tuesday is the magic day. Thus, if you were thinking of Monday or Wednesday like I did before, well, you are wrong too.

On a general scale, it is essential that you submit your application within the early days that a job is advertised. According to a TalentWorks survey, applicants who submitted their papers within 96 hours of the posting were 8 more likely to proceed to the interview stage. With each passing day after the initial 96 hours, the chances diminish with as much as 28%.

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Best Time to Apply for Jobs: Why Time of a Day Matters

The time of day that you send your application may seem insignificant. But it is actually more important than you may presume. There is research that could suggest that the time you apply for a post does affect whether you get that job or not. According to Forbes, applications that are received after 7:30 p.m. had the slimmest chance ? about 3% ? of getting an interview. In fact, the analysis showed that applications sent from 4:30 p.m. were less likely to be successful.

It is a given that knowing the best time to look for a job can increase your chances of getting a callback. The period between 6.00 a.m. and 10.00 a.m. is the ideal time for your potential employer to see your application. Ensure that your application is the first thing the hiring manager sees in the morning or after their lunch break.

When to Apply for a Seasonal Job Successfully

To land a summer job, you ought to send out your application way before the warm weather sets in- ideally some months before the summer (January to March.). Unless you are targeting an opportunity in the hospitality industry ? which can wait until spring ? you can submit your summer job applications in the fall.

Now, many summer jobs are never advertised. So, it is necessary to think about businesses that are busier during the summer months. Target camps, local restaurants, amusement parks, stadiums, beach work, and other opportunities that will experience an uptick in business during this time.

The best advice for anyone looking for seasonal jobs is ? find work that matches your interests and strengths. And also keep in mind that these opportunities do not pay very much. Regardless, you need to take them seriously, as these jobs are quite competitive and employers are keen on hiring enthusiastic personnel.