Recap: ‘16 & Pregnant: Christinna’

Recap: ‘16 & Pregnant: Christinna’

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Christinna and football star Isiah have had to change their college plans as they prepare for their baby. His family is furious when he gives up his scholarship. Can they make it on their own or is the pressure too much?

At first glance, I don?t remember much about this episode. I know that a DNA test comes up at some point.

Christinna is 17 and used to live in upstate New York before moving to Huntsville, Alabama. She?s been adjusting to the south and says it?s hard. Everything is football, which she doesn?t care about.

Christinna started dating Isiah, who had a scholarship to play football, and she graduated early from high school.

Isiah?s grandma, Kathy, is not happy about them being together. She is one of those people who uses ?I speak my mind? as an excuse for being rude. It probably doesn?t help that Christinna and Isiah decided to secretly marry and throw away his scholarship because . . . she?s pregnant.

28 Weeks Pregnant

We learn that Christinna and Isiah dated for eight months when they found out she was pregnant. They thought getting married was the best idea, and they upset everybody by not telling them about it ahead of time.

Everybody wanted Isiah to take his scholarship, but he turned it down. He works at a sandwich shop. Christinna has been going to community college, but now she?s going to take a break.

In a library, Christinna talks to her friends about using a condom a few times and then getting more careless.

Christinna says her mom was understand when she learned about the pregnancy and even bought her a Mother?s Day gift. Her mom left to return to New York because the relative she was taking care of got better. So now, they live with Isiah?s family.

Kathy talks to Christinna and Isiah, and she is not happy. She asks Isiah if he apologized to Christinna like she asked him to. Because she can?t do it herself while sitting feet away? She asks, ?What if you find out that she?s not yours? You didn?t have to be here.?

Isiah gets mad and leaves the table. Christinna cries. She doesn?t feel welcome in the house anymore. Later, they sit on a bed and talk. He says he?ll still only be 36 when their child graduates, which means he can still go to college. He says it?s important to him to make things work.

November ? 32 Weeks

A friend throws a baby shower for Christinna. We learn that they?re having a girl named Destiny.

Later at a doctor?s appointment, they talk about moving into a new apartment. Isiah talks about getting a new exhaust system for his car. They go grocery shopping but have to put some things back because they don?t have enough money. I know that feeling, and I feel super bad for them.

33 Weeks

Christinna and Isiah look at apartments in the newspaper. He says he makes $900 a month, but the apartment they want to rent is $515. They apply for the apartment and are denied.

November ? 37 Weeks

Christinna is finishing up her community college courses before she takes a break for the baby. Her friends ask her what happens if she has to get a C-section and she mentions not wanting to have one. One friend asks, ?Are you gonna get your baby circumcised?? before she is reminded that they are having a girl.

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In the car, Christinna and Isiah talk about lactation. They go to a class to learn about breastfeeding. A lady demonstrates the ?football hold? with a doll. She also advises them to invest in a breast pump and gives her some bras.

Image for post16 & Pregnant | MTV

Isiah is being sneaky one night and hands a guy $380 outside in the dark. It?s for something related to his car, it appears. This feels like some MTV trickery.

Christinna and her friend eat a mall food court. She says she doesn?t believe in divorce. Later, she and Isiah argue about money. He says she?d be happier with ?some rich guy,? but honestly, asking for a $500 apartment isn?t being picky.

38 Weeks ? November

In the car, Isiah says he was only 50% real at first, but now he?s 200%. He found an apartment for them, and get pull a bunch of stuff out of a storage unit.

39 Weeks

Isiah?s mom wrangles them up for a doctor?s appointment. Isiah?s mom is going to the hospital with them, but he can?t find his car keys.

In the hospital, Christinna gets pitocin. A few hours later, she has contractions and gets an epidural. MTV saves us from having to watch the epidural process. After she gets the shot, she?s in a haze. Her doctor comes in and she?s ready to push. It?s not 16 hours in, and the baby is not moving much.

The doctor says Christinna might need a C-section, but she is against this. The doctor is really good and reassures her that this is not something she?s done wrong. The nurses try to talk her through pushing some more, but at 26 hours in labor, she has a C-section.

The baby comes out looking so serious, and she is not a crier. She?s very cute.

2 Days Old

The baby still isn?t crying. Favorite baby on the show so far? Maybe. Both Isiah and Christinna appear to be involved in taking care of the baby, but now Isiah has to go back to work.

3 Weeks Old

Christinna?s friend Chasity comes over. I don?t understand the name Chasity. Just putting that out there.

Isiah asks Christinna if she likes being a mom, and she says she doesn?t like or dislike it. She says it?s not bad, but it?s also not particularly interesting. She also decides that she?s going to take the next semester off.

Christinna later talks to Chasity about her goal of teaching English. She thinks it?s her purpose in life. Isiah goes to look at car stuff, and he says that his finances are not good.

3 Months Old

Later, Isiah seems bothered, and Christinna says they haven?t been talking much. He?s spending more time at his mom?s house. They decide to go there for dinner, and it?s apparently the first time they?ve been together since birth.

Suddenly Isiah is talking about leaving Christinna, which kind of comes out of nowhere. The family says he can be there for the baby without being with Christinna. His grandma talks about getting a DNA test because it?s going to be ?rumble in the jungle? if the baby isn?t his.

Christinna comes over for dinner, and the grandmother brings it up again. She keeps bringing up how Christinna once said she was going to ?slap her in the face? with DNA test results. Christinna says the DNA test doesn?t matter to her and that she?s only had sex with one person. MTV bleeps out the words penis and vagina, making this conversation sound way dirtier.

The grandma says that she doesn?t have to have anything to do with the baby. Kaliah, Isiah?s sister, asks him if he wants to know. He says every man wants to know, but he has no doubt. He wants to do it anyway. Kathy slams a DNA test on the table in the middle of dinner, prompting Christinna to take her baby and leave. Seriously, this scene is super gross.

Christinna talks to the camera and says that things are more stressful now. She says that his family blames her for not taking the scholarship, and she can understand this resentment. She says that she will take a DNA test with Isiah personally but it?s not up to his family to make that decision. She says she is going to college and will graduate so she can provide for her family.


Apparently Christinna and Isiah ultimately divorced. Somebody on Reddit says that Isiah had another child, and Christinna got engaged to somebody else and also had a second child. Apparently Isiah?s grandmother wanted to sue MTV over their editing.


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