Python vs. JavaScript: Which Language You Should Learn and Why

Python vs. JavaScript: Which Language You Should Learn and Why

Every year, Stack Overflow surveys over 100,000 developers to find out more about programming trends, challenges, and opportunities. In 2018, its survey revealed that Python was the language that the most number of developers (25.1%) wanted to learn, while JavaScript was a close second at 19%. In the past few years, most experts acknowledge Python and JavaScript to be the most rapidly growing programming languages. In fact, both Python and JavaScript were both among the fastest growing languages in 2018. Python and JavaScript are particularly prevalent among young tech startups. According to Nick Kamyshan, CEO at Chanty ? ?The most popular technologies I see startups use today are Python, Java, Ruby, C, Swift, JavaScript, and PHP.?

Previously, we covered why you should learn Python over Excel for Data Analysis. In this article, we talk about how two top coding languages are different from each other, which of the two you should learn, how you can learn them, and what the future job opportunities are like.

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JavaScript vs Python ? About the languages

JavaScript is a scripting language. In other words, it makes things easier for users by automating website and app processes. JavaScript originally emerged as a front-end language to provide browsers with dynamic functionality that simply wasn?t possible with just HTML and CSS.

After Node.js emerged as a backend language in 2009, the popularity of JavaScript shot up as developers could use JavaScript to program both the front-end and the server-side.

Python, on the other hand, is an object-oriented programming language. This is the kind of coding language that allows programmers to build apps and websites using objects that are nothing but virtual building blocks. Languages like Python use the object model to reduce complexity by giving programmers a clear structure and a more real-world dynamic.

JavaScript vs Python ? Which language is better in terms of learning

There?s no easy answer to this question as both languages are immensely popular. The key is to understand the strengths and weaknesses of both languages to figure out which one suits you better. Here are some of the major factors you should keep in mind while making your decision –

Is the language easy to learn?

This question is especially important if you?re learning a programming language for the first time and don?t have any coding experience. You need to go with a language that is relatively user-friendly and has a shorter learning curve. On this count, Python scores far better than JavaScript. It is designed to be as beginner-friendly as possible and uses simple variables and functions. JavaScript is full of complexities like class definitions. When it comes to ease of learning, Python is the clear winner.

Is it scalable?

There are two things that determine whether a language is scalable or not; the first is its ability to handle a very large number of users and the second is its capacity to handle large volumes with minimal server utilization. Node.js has been designed for scalability and supports asynchronous programming. While Python does not support asynchronous programming like JavaScript. It supports co-routines which, in turn, support asynchronous programming. So while the Python architecture is not as scalable as Node.js, it does have the tools to achieve scalability. Instagram and Youtube are popular examples of apps that use Python and operate at scale.

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How versatile is it?

Both languages have their pros and cons when it comes to versatility. While both languages are used extensively in ERP and web development, Python is used more in upcoming fields like data analytics, AI(Artificial Intelligence) and ML(Machine Learning). It?s also more utilized in areas like Finance/Fintech for for levering the sort of data useful in that realm. If you want to eventually go into any of these areas, learning Python is a much better option. On the other hand, JavaScript has the advantage of being both a front-end and a backend language. Python is mainly a backend language restricted to the server side.

How does it perform?

JavaScript is widely regarded as the faster language of the two. It is built on Chrome?s V8 which is one of the fastest engines out there. Given its inherent speed, Node.js is the preferred language when it comes to building real-time applications.

Does it have adequate job opportunities?

Both Python and JavaScript have a range of job opportunities. At this moment, there are more than 66,000 Python vacancies on Indeed and more than 40,000 JavaScript jobs. Python jobs range from entry-level positions in quality assurance and software engineering to more advanced Machine Learning and Data Science roles. JavaScript also has a number of roles for junior front-end developers as well as more senior roles for Architects and full-stack engineers. Needless to say, there are plenty of job opportunities with both these languages.

JavaScript vs Python- How to learn

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Given that Python and JavaScript are both new-age programming languages, you don?t need to have years of coding experience or a formal computer science degree to learn either. There are plenty of good online and offline courses available to choose from. If you are a complete fresher, you should probably choose an offline course that combines the advantage of a cutting-edge online curriculum with face-to-face interaction with an experienced instructor.

In Hong Kong, Xccelerate?s 3-week Python Fundamentals course is a great option. If you?re looking to learn JavaScript, Xccelerate also has a 6-week part-time course called ?Coding for Absolute Beginners?.


There really is no right answer to the age-old Python vs JavaScript question. Python has an edge when it comes to ease of learning and its extensive use in technologies like AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning). At the same time, JavaScript is more commonly used due to the fact that most developers already know it to some extent. The bottom line is that you really can?t go wrong with either language. So decide on one, pick the right course, and get yourself on track to a challenging and rewarding career.

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