Opinion: 7 Reasons Why Art is Important

Opinion: 7 Reasons Why Art is Important

People appreciate art in different ways, whether it?s music, fashion, poetry, or even paintings.

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Humans have had a relationship with art, in one form or another, since time immemorial. From prehistoric cave drawings to ancient instruments, it is obvious that art has always been and will continue to be an interwoven part of our existence, regardless of race, political leanings, or cultural background.

People appreciate art in different ways, whether it?s music, dance, poetry, drawings, paintings, or even graffiti. Some like to be directly involved in the creation of the art (artists) while others like to experience and appreciate it. Whatever the case, the arts play a big role in how humans see and interact with others and the world in general. Art helps us emotionally, financially, psychologically, and even helps to shape individual and collective personality.

There are so many reasons why art is important in the world, today and always. But just in case there might be any doubts as to whether it is, here are 7 reasons why, in our humble opinion, art is extremely important to the world.

1. We are naturally artistic

The capacity for humans to naturally conceive up artistic creations, and how those artworks inspire and motivate us, continues to be the basis of various studies and discussions about the origin of music and other arts in general. It would seem our very DNA is coded to create and appreciate art. That can be the only logical explanation as to why toddlers draw on walls, play in their food, and react to music, even without having been taught those things. In addition, everyone has some artistic thread, even if it?s not with one of the recognized arts (music, visual, fine arts, etc.). Artistry can be portrayed in so many ways, including how you pair your clothes, how hair is styled, in pastry making and cooking, and even in how people organize their surroundings.

2. Art crosses all divides

Works of art, whether in physical or intangible form, can often easily be understood by people from different social, cultural, and political backgrounds. It?s one of the reasons why music is referred to as a musical language. Also, through observation of artifacts and artworks, as well as the messages encoded in literature, music, and poetry, it is possible to gain insight and understanding of other people?s history and present-day realities.

3. Art is good for you

From beautifying the surroundings to helping to alleviate stress and discomforts, art is essential for physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. Music, for example, is increasingly used by people to battle depression and other mental illnesses. For art creators, including musicians, dancers, painters, and writers, creating or performing a piece of art is a cathartic experience that also provides a sense of achievement. There are numerous studies showing how people feel better whether by creating art or by consuming it or by simply being in the presence of something art-related.

4. It allows self-expression and self-awareness

For art creators, sometimes the only way to express a feeling or thought is to immerse into the process of bringing something into being. For others, mental clarity on a particular situation only comes about after indulging in something artistic. Also, art can help you to discover and understand things about yourself that you never recognized before. Finally, including art in your daily life can help you become better at something that might not even be considered remotely artistic.

5. The possibility for personal benefits

The world of art has allowed for the creation of wealth for millions of people, and not just for those involved with the creation process. From the people who own and operate art galleries and cinemas to people whose job it is to critique and categorize artworks, there are many earning channels created by art. Just imagine if there was no music, books, paintings, or sculptors; the world not only be drab but there would be a lot fewer people with jobs.

6. Art allows for complex ideas to be broken down

A lot of complex issues such as race, religion, and politics have been simplified using artworks, including songs, poetry, and drawings. Through the use of music, stories, artifacts, and the creative process itself, art also makes it easier for students in schools to think critically and grasp a wide range of topics that help to shape what they become later in life. For adults, art can be used in corporate settings to help people understand complex data, as well as to create models that demonstrate a state of affairs or future path.

7. Assists with the recording of history

Without cave markings and ancient artifacts that have been dug up, a lot of what is now known about prehistoric times would have remained a mystery. Likewise, the different types of art in play in today?s society will help future generations understand what the world was like before they came along. In addition, through the messages embedded in art, people can see and understand mistakes from the past, which will inform decisions as to how to avoid them.

Whether you consider yourself an artist or just someone who loves art in one or all of its many forms, it?s easy to see why art is important to the world and its people. Take some time to appreciate some art today.

We had a great time putting this piece together and hope you enjoyed reading it. Want more from Tunedly? Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, subscribe to our YouTube channel; and don?t forget to rock it today. As we often say, focus on your goals because nobody else will care as much as you do.

Originally published at https://www.tunedly.com on December 5, 2018.