
I wanted to keep track of my (slow) progress reading through all the Star Wars canon novels, but I couldn?t find a good list. They either included everything being published, or left off the junior novels (which are still worth a read). The other major difference of this list from others, is that books spanning multiple time periods are ordered based on when they end, not when they begin. This prevents spoilers, and makes more sense narratively. So here?s my compiled list, with the film and TV shows listed for time period reference.

  • Master and Apprentice*

Episode I ? The Phantom Menace (32 BBY)

  • Queen?s Shadow*

Episode II ? Attack of the Clones (22 BBY)

Star Wars: The Clone Wars (22?19 BBY)

  • Dark Disciple (19 BBY)

Episode III ? Revenge of the Sith (19 BBY)

  • Adventures in Wild Space: The Escape (~18 BBY)
  • Adventures in Wild Space: The Snare (~18 BBY)
  • Adventures in Wild Space: The Nest (~18 BBY)
  • Adventures in Wild Space: The Heist (~18 BBY)
  • Adventures in Wild Space: The Darkness (~18 BBY)
  • Adventures in Wild Space: The Cold (~18 BBY)
  • Adventures in Wild Space: The Rescue (~18 BBY)
  • Ahsoka (18 BBY)
  • Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel (21?17 BBY)
  • Lords of the Sith (14 BBY)
  • Tarkin (14 BBY)
  • Most Wanted (~13 BBY)
  • Lando?s Luck

Solo: A Star Wars Story (~11?5 BBY)

  • A New Dawn (11 BBY)
  • Ezra?s Gamble (5 BBY)
  • Thrawn (~11?2 BBY)
  • Servants of the Empire: Edge of the Galaxy (6?5 BBY)
  • Servants of the Empire: Rebel in the Ranks (5 BBY)
  • Servants of the Empire: Imperial Justice (4 BBY)
  • Servants of the Empire: The Secret Academy (4 BBY)
  • Leia, Princess of Alderaan (3 BBY)

Star Wars Rebels (5?0 BBY)

  • Thrawn: Alliances (2 BBY)
  • Thrawn: Treason* (1 BBY)
  • Guardians of the Whills (0 BBY)

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (0 BBY)

  • Rebel Rising (13?0 BBY)

Episode IV ? A New Hope (0 BBY)

  • From a Certain Point of View (0 BBY)**
  • Battlefront II: Inferno Squad (0 BBY)
  • Heir to the Jedi (0 BBY)
  • Smuggler?s Run: A Han Solo & Chewbacca Adventure (0 BBY)
  • The Weapon of a Jedi: A Luke Skywalker Adventure (0 BBY)
  • Battlefront: Twilight Company (6 BBY?3 ABY)

Episode V ? The Empire Strikes Back (3 ABY)

Episode VI ? Return of the Jedi (4 ABY)

  • Alphabet Squadron
  • Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure (4 ABY)
  • Aftermath (4 ABY)
  • Aftermath: Life Debt (5 ABY)
  • Aftermath: Empire?s End (5 ABY)
  • Lost Stars (11 BBY?5 ABY)
  • The Legends of Luke Skywalker (0?5 ABY)
  • Last Shot (7 ABY)
  • Bloodline (28 ABY)
  • Phasma
  • Canto Bight
  • Tales from a Galaxy Far, Far Away: Aliens: Volume I
  • The Perfect Weapon
  • Join the Resistance (34 ABY)
  • Join the Resistance: Escape from Vodran (34 ABY)
  • Before the Awakening (34 ABY)

Episode VII ? The Force Awakens (34 ABY)

  • The Last Jedi: Cobalt Squadron (34 ABY)

Episode VIII ? The Last Jedi (34 ABY)

Episode IX

Disclaimer: I may make a small commission off any purchases made through links in this article.

|* Not yet released.|** Not officially a canon novel, but story group editors have said at least some of the segments are canon.

Most time periods sourced from Wookiepedia?s list of new canon novels.