My Panties Are Always Moist

My Panties Are Always Moist

The female struggle no one talks about

Image for postPhoto by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

I attended an outdoor Ben Folds and Violent Femmes concert a few nights ago. It was an amazing event. There was just one problem. I spent the entire evening wearing moist panties.

It?s not as sexy as it sounds.

Summer Is the Season of Moist Panties

Summer in New England can be uncomfortably warm. When the weather grows hot and humid, my underpants turn into swampland.

I realize it?s far hotter down south. Then again, I have my own personal ?down south? to worry about. The temperature rises the further you go ?down south.? That?s especially true of a woman?s anatomy.

After spending a humid and muggy evening confined to spandex underwear and black jeans, the most delicate part of my body definitely succumbed to sweat and other moisture. There was nothing I could do about it.

It did get uncomfortable, and I spent an unnecessary amount of time worrying about it. In the end, I took a shower the moment I got home and tossed my clothes in the laundry hamper to be washed and refreshed before I wore them again.

Problem solved.

Now I feel silly for worrying about it all night.

Moist Panties Aren?t Confined to Summer

My underpants resemble a tropical rainforest even in winter months when it?s snowing outside, and my feet and fingers are freezing from the cold.

Although it?s more pronounced during warmer weather, moist panties aren?t solely a seasonal thing. Certain activities definitely exacerbate the situation summer, spring, winter, or fall. Think kickboxing class, yoga, or building a snowman. If I?m exerting an effort, it?s certainly contributing to the level of moisture collecting between my legs.

Even if I am wearing a pantyliner as a barrier between my body and my underwear, I end up with a damp spot between my legs that can spread to the crotch of my pants. It?s not unusual, and it?s not gross. It?s a natural, normal, but admittedly challenging part of possessing a woman?s anatomy.

I sometimes leave wet spots on the seat of exercise equipment at the gym. It presents a minor inconvenience. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Everyone else is sweating, too. The situation doesn?t occur only inside my pants. That?s why the gym provides sanitizer and paper towels. It?s good form to clean up after oneself at the gym anyhow. So I just wet the seat with the provided cleaner, dry thoroughly with a paper towel and carry on with my workout.

If You Think It?s Gross, You Don?t Understand Women

Nobody likes a dry vagina. Yet no one wants to talk about moist panties.

What?s behind the dichotomy?

For some reason, a wet, glistening, lubricated vagina is okay as long as we are sexualizing that part of a woman?s anatomy; but unless it?s being discussed in a sexual sense, women barely even talk about personal wetness in hushed tones.

There?s a reason why feminine hygiene products are a multi-billion dollar business, and it?s not all about douches and deodorant spray.

Women often use pantyliners and powders to combat the wetness in their nether regions. A mixture of sweat, urine ? yes, urine ? and other bodily fluids leak, ooze, excrete or otherwise emerge from a woman?s body all day long.

Without precautions such as pantyliners, pads, or even absorbent incontinence underwear, a woman?s panties can grow moist enough to cause odor or rashes.

Personal hygiene is essential. Embarrassment or shaming is not.


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