How To Understand Sagittarius And The Element Of Fire

How To Understand Sagittarius And The Element Of Fire

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You can use the powerful wisdom contained within the energy of the stars of astrology to create the reality you desire when you gain a deeper understanding of which energy does what.

Astrology is a complete occult science that has secret knowledge to empower and uplift you if only you take the time to learn its secrets.

Today you will learn how to understand Sagittarius energy and the element of fire.

Within the zodiac there are 12 signs and within those 12 signs are 4 elements; Fire, Earth, Air and Water.

There are 3 Fire signs and the last of those signs is Sagittarius.

All fire signs share their characteristics with fire and by looking at a candle you can begin to understand how this energy behaves?all answers are found in nature.

Sagittarius energy is found at the bottom of the flame.

Sagittarius is a creative and philosophical energy.

Sagittarius shares the same bright energetic and creative characteristics of fire yet uses its light not solely to shine for its own sake, but to be the foundation upon which other energies can shine bright.

Sagittarius energy is idealistic, born of fantasy.

Its near invisibility at the bottom of the flame perfectly displays an aspect of its mutable nature.

Sagittarius can be flighty; neither here nor there, committed to 1 form today, yet mutated to another tomorrow.

Difficult to know where the bottom of the flame ends and the middle begins. the sagittarius energy knows how to blend into its environment.

The philosophical archer has high ideals and shoots for the stars.

The invisible portion of the flame shows sagittarius energy matches the invisible nature of thought.

Although you cannot always see them in their entirety, they are tangible, physical and real.

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter which is all about expansion.

Just as the tip of the flame expands at the bottom; sagittarius uses surrounding energies and expands upon them to create something larger; deeper, more beautiful and long lasting.

Sagittarius has its higher and lower dimension.

On a higher dimension, sagittarius is creative; helpful, thoughtful, talkative and keen to teach through its philosophical wisdom.

Sagittarius energy loves to be surrounded by other creative, positive and thoughtful energies as that adds to its creative fire.

On a lower dimension although sagittarius can burn you like all elements of fire, its flame is not as hot as the others.

Sagittarius can easily fall into fantasy, become ungrounded and lose touch with its reality.

Sagittarius can be uncommitted and float from one direction to the next in a seemingly aimless pursuit of truth.

Optimistic in its pursuit creation of a new reality; sagittarius energy believes in making all things possible.

A playful childlike spirit embodies the energy of sagittarius.

Sagittarius is a powerful energy for for going deeper and seeking the truth in life and creating something groundbreaking with new found wisdom.

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