How to Learn Technical Writing For Free

How to Learn Technical Writing For Free

FAQ on Technical Writing

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It doesn?t matter whether you?re a novice or experienced technical writer, this article will be useful for everyone!


Free technical writing books exist ? some experts share their experience for free. For example, ClickHelp tech writing experts create free ebooks on different topics that definitely will help you improve your skills. Below, you?ll find links for downloading:

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Here is another free ebook: Tech Writing Handbook.

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This handbook will teach you how to create everything from manuals to work instructions. We?ll help you avoid the most common pitfalls of tech writing, from poor planning to outdated publishing.

If you know other free ebooks, please, share them in the comment section!


Free courses on technical writing also exist! Here they are:

An Introduction to Technical Writing

This overview module and the following modules have been written intentionally in the style of a technical document intentionally. This is so that the reader sees the type of content needed for technical documents from the outset. The language of the document has been kept simple to allow easy translation. Wherever possible, the modules conform to the rules they state. These modules have been taught to small, eight-student classes. Each module takes 1 hour to teach. Moreover, there are additional examples and exercises.

Technical Writing is Easy

It?s a Medium publication where articles of experienced technical writers are gathered. The motto of the publication is ?Technical Writing is for Everyone?. And it?s true, authors share gladly their experience through articles on different relevant topics to help people not to hesitate and start their career as a technical writer.

More courses you can find here: Free Technical Writing Courses.


If you need to ask something about technical writing, stay relevant or find friends form your field, here is a list of communities for you.

Write the Docs Slack

Their Slack network has lots of people hanging out and chatting about documentation. It?s the best way to connect with tech writing community and to stay in touch with folks you?ve met at our conferences and meetups.

Technical Writing Community on LinkedIn

Here you will find stories for technical writers, web developers and web designers willing to grow. You can also ask questions there and experiences technical writes will help you: Technical Writing Community.

More communities are here: Technical Writing Communities.

If you have something to add to my list, please, share your ideas in the comments!

How did I become a technical writer? What skills do you need? Read FAQ on Technical Writing.

FAQ on Technical Writing

Many people who are interested in technical writing frequently ask me a lot of different questions, but here are the?