Here’s how long you should wait before having a ‘DTR’ talk

Here’s how long you should wait before having a ‘DTR’ talk

Image for postA recent survey conducted by OnePoll on behalf of sex toy brand EdenFantasys revealed the average time Americans wait before defining a relationship. (Pexels)

It takes six weeks from on average for new couples to finally put a label on the relationship, according to new research.

The new statistic emerged in a new study of 2,000 Americans which found that if you?re in a ?what are we?? phase with somebody, you may want to make it officially girlfriend/boyfriend it sooner rather than later.

That?s because, according to the study, four in ten Americans waited too long to label, causing their prospective partner to go and hook up with someone else.

The recent survey conducted for EdenFantasys revealed that four in ten Americans waited too long to label their relationship.

The survey, conducted by OnePoll on behalf of sex toy brand EdenFantasys, also revealed that in most relationships, physical affection comes first.

In fact, 73 percent of Americans have said the first kiss has come before the label in at least one of their relationships.

But even more interestingly, 60 percent of Americans say that sex has come before the label in at least one of their relationships.

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In fact, for the average American who has gotten to home base before the label, sex comes five weeks before the label ? over a month.

But even more astonishing than that, half of Americans (50 percent) have actually said ?I love you? to their prospective partner before labeling the relationship.

So when should you actually go about labeling the relationship? According to the results, you can broach the subject after date five.

But label too early and risk losing your possible partner forever, as is what happened to 42 percent over-eager Americans.

And just cause you?re getting serious with somebody, does not mean they aren?t dipping their toes in other ponds. The study showed that 47 percent of Americans admitted to seeing other people while starting to get serious with someone.

?A life journey with another person starts with its title (I, personally, find the word label in this case inaccurate),? said Fred Petrenko of EdenFantasys. ?If you are ready to go, you?ll want and need to call the relationship a name. If you don?t ? you?ll delay it. This is the best way to see if your partner is serious about you.?

Need help knowing the right time to label the relationship?

The top sign you?re ready to take that leap of faith, according to the poll, is that you start confiding in them (46 percent)

The second biggest sign you?re ready to label the ship is that you stop going on dates with others (46 percent) with the third biggest being you?ve actually told your family about them (45 percent)

Interestingly, sex is better once the relationship is finally labeled, according to over six in ten Americans (63 percent) ? only 15 percent thought casual sex while single was better.

?These are all good secondary signs of your grown commitment to the current relationship,? continued Petrenko. ?The best way, of course, to confront yourself heads on: ?Do I want to build and grow this union?? Be honest to yourself and to your partner and it all be great!?


You confide in them 46%You no longer go on dates with anyone else 46%You?ve told family about them 45%They?re all you think about 44%You?re constantly texting/talking 43%You start planning a future with them 42%You genuinely want to know how their day was 41%You?ve told friends about them 40%You?ve met their friends and vice versa 40%The idea of commitment no longer scares you 38%

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