Fixing “Kindle Fire Won’t Charge” Issue Quickly

Kindle series of tablets are a great deal for kids and heavy readers. Despite continuous efforts made by amazon to uphold this magic tablet, it suffers from various charging issues.

Kindle charging issues are nothing new, and this turmoil your mind in real-time. People usually encounter a problem with their Kindle?s battery life, charging time, charging port, and so on.

This article will explain how to handle the situation when your ?kindle fire won?t charge.? Before you start, ensure that:

  • You are utilizing the original power connector and micro-USB cable.
  • You are charging your gadget from an electrical plug. Charging from a USB port associated with a PC will expand charging time. It may take your kindle forever to charge but failed at last.
  • The micro-USB cable is well connected to the power adaptor and your Kindle device.
  • You are not putting your Kindle Fire tablet on charge in extremely hot or freezing conditions.

After checking all these points, proceed to do the following:

  • Unplug the power connector and micro-USB cable from your gadget, and attach them to back to your kindle.
  • Put the power adaptor into the power outlet socket.
  • If your Kindle doesn?t show on-going charging status, unplug the power connector.
  • Press and hold the Power button on your kindle for 40 seconds at least.
  • Or wait until your device restarts.
  • If your kindle restarts before 40 seconds have passed, release the pressed Power button.
  • On the off chance if your device does not restart; press the Power button manually to turn it on.
  • Once your device is rebooted, attach the micro-USB cable and power adaptor to it.
  • Plugin the power adaptor to the power outlet.
  • Let your device charge for at least 60 minutes without any interference(usage)

Your Kindle will be starting charging from here now. The battery indicator will show a lightning symbol. The lightening indicator reflects the charging battery.

If this doesn?t work; A hard kindle reset will be good option to bet upon. You can give it a try to factory reset your kindle device.

Although, it is considered a harsh step, but it widens your hopes to get back your device in working condition.

Click here to get written step by step instructions on ?How to Factory Reset Kindle??

You can also choose to speak to our technicians for better understanding. contact us at kindle Toll-Free Numbers: USA/Canada: +1?844?601?7233 & UK: +44-800?041?8324.