Democrats vs Republicans: Useful Differences between Republicans vs Democrats

Democrats vs Republicans! In politics, there?s a lot to be confused about. However, if you want to more aware of what is happening in the political life of your country and to be able to have conversations about certain political topics, you should have at least the general idea. For example, take Democrats vs Republicans. The Democratic and the Republican party are the biggest in America but they differ significantly in their ideals and philosophies.


Democrats vs Republicans Differences

One of the main differences is the view that Democrats vs Republicans have on the government and its role.

Democrats believe that the government should have a more active role in society because this will help society grow, achieve its goals, and also lead to equality and higher quality of life. In contrast, Republicans support the idea that the government should be small: it should employ a small number of people, and it shouldn?t play such a big role in society. They believe that a big government is a waste of resources, claiming that big businesses should be able to survive on their own in a free market, and the government shouldn?t regulate which business will close and which will prosper.

For instance, Democrats support that there should be anti-discrimination laws for employment. On the other hand , Republicans think that such laws do more harm than good for businesses.

There are more differences regarding controversial issues. It?s worth noting that these are very generalized and that each politician might have different, much more detailed opinions on the topics that are mentioned below.

When it comes to the military , Republicans tend to support the increase of military spending and a high stance against other countries, such as Syria or Iran. Democrats prefer the decrease of military spending and don?t support the use of military force against other countries.

The two parties have different views on gun control as well. Republicans like to refer to the Second Amendment, i.e. the right of people to bear arms and think that there shouldn?t be any gun control laws. However, Democrats believe that there should be more gun control laws and that it shouldn?t be allowed to have concealed weapons in public places: the right that Republicans strongly support.

Another big difference is what the representatives of these two parties think of LGBTQ rights . Republicans believe that a marriage should only be between a man and a woman, and they don?t think that gay couples should be allowed to adopt children. In contrast, Democrats believe that same-sex couples should have the same rights, such as the right to get married or to adopt. Democrats also show more support for transgender people.

Taxes are also an issue that Republicans and Democrats view differently. As Republicans support the idea of a smaller government, they believe that it needs fewer taxes to sustain itself. They also think that the best taxes are the ones that are the same for everyone, i.e. where everyone pays the same percentage of their income as taxes, regardless of their income. Democrats consider progressive taxes the best option. These mean that people who earn more money need to pay a higher percentage of their income as taxes.

The biggest similarity between the two parties is the view on immigration . You can hear politicians from both parties saying that the immigration system of the United States is broken, and both Republicans and Democrats support deportations. Still, Democrats are thought to show more sympathy towards immigrants, supporting the DREAM Act that gives undocumented immigrants who came to the country before they turned 18 years old the right for a conditional residency.

The states where the presidential nominee from a Republican party wins are known as ?Red?, while those where the Democratic nominee wins are called ?Blue?. As of 2016, there were more red than blue states.

Some of the most famous Republican presidents have been Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and Roland Reagan. As for Democratic presidents, names such as John F. Kennedy, Jimmy Carter, and Barack Obama come to mind.

Democrats vs Republicans Examples

The Democrats will probably lose control of Congress.

If the Democrats win the election, I?ll eat my hat!

The latest opinion poll puts the Democrats in the lead.

His remarks drew an angry response from Democrats .

The opinion poll suggests a clean sweep for the Democrats .

The Republicans are gaining ground in the southern states.

The Republicans have quite a large following in the North.

It?s time we voted the Republicans out.

The latest poll gives the Republicans a 5? lead.

The Republicans have stuck to their conservative agenda.

Differences between Democrats vs Republicans | Image

Democrats vs Republicans: What?s the Difference?

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