Dante’s 9 circles of hell (Inferno)

Dante’s 9 circles of hell (Inferno)

Dante Alighieri was a prominent Italian poet who wrote the 14,233 lined 3 part epic poem ? The Divine Comedy.

The poem is the journey of the poet through afterlife, divided into three parts: Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory) and Paradiso (Paradise or Heaven).

Image for postSource: http://www.openculture.com/2018/06/visualizing-dantes-hell.html

Circle I: LimboResided by virtuous non-Christians and unbaptized pagans

Circle II: LustThe souls here are punished by being blown about violently by strong winds, preventing them to find peace and rest.

Circle III: GluttonySinners lie rotting away in a never ending icy rain, overlooked by a worm-monster Cerberus.

Circle IV: GreedThe inhabitants drag about heavy weights and boulders with their chest all the time.

Circle V: AngerThe wrathful fight each other on the surface of the river Styx.

Circle VI: HeresyThe heretics were souls who did not agree to the Christian doctrine. They are lying in burning tombs.

Circle VII: ViolenceThe 7th circle is divided into 3 rings ? outer are murderers sinking into boiling blood, the middle are the suicides who turned into bleeding trees, and the inner ring are blasphemers and sodomites who reside in a desert of burning sand and are scorched by burning rain falling from above

Circle VIII: Fraud This circle of Hell is divided into 10 Bolgias or stony ditches with bridges between them. Each bolgia has a different kind of fraud and punishment such as whipped by demons, steeped in excrement etc.

Circle IX: TreacheryThe betrayers are stuck frozen in a lake of ice. The lake consists of 4 rings, with the last level resided by Lucifer, Brutus, Cassius and Judas.

? ? ? ? ? ? From the desk of Aditya KhanduriFollow me on Twitter. I tweet about tech, history, economics, AI, and football.

Image for postSource: https://kottke.org/17/10/the-experience-of-time-in-dantes-inferno