Before posting your nudes on Twitter, read this….

Before posting your nudes on Twitter, read this….

There was a rumor floating around that the new Twitter Rules will prohibit uploanding sexy and erotic content. Don?t worry, you will still be able to share those nudes with the world. However, there are a couple of things you need to know should you feel the urges to partake in the sharing of ?sexy? content on the Twitterverse and we are going to spell them out for you in this post.

Sexting and nude sharing is your right.

Remember we all have the right to express ourselves by creating, producing and sharing consensual adult, erotic, sexual or sexy content of ourselves all over the Internet. Twitter is chill with that but requires that such content be marked as ?sensitive media?. We will teach you how to do it at the end of this post.

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What about porn?

Porn or sexually explicit content is allowed too, as long as it is marked as ?sensitive media?. Actually, Twitter classifies nudes, porn, erotica, and similar under the same banner, a.k.a ?Adult Content?, and it includes anything between boudoir and hardcore erotica. Here is Twitter?s description.

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Don?t post adult content as avi or header.

There is another restriction for Adult Content. You can?t post it on your avi or header. This is an old rule that?s been heavily enforced by Twitter in the past. Posting adult content as part of your avi or header will result in your account suspension. Don?t do it.

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If there is a third party involved you should get consent before you share.

Now, here?s the addition for 2020. You shouldn?t create and/or share adult content without the consent of those featured in your masterpiece. Here is a detailed explanation about this rule.

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This addition is GREAT. It was aimed to prevent (badly named) ?revenge porn?, which is a very important issue to tackle but it protects, on a general level, everyone who does not like their nudes to be floating around Twitter.

This new rule is based on consent, which is the key to a healthy enjoyment of our sexuality. We applaud Twitter for taking this stand instead of banning all sexual content like some other platforms did a couple of months ago.

Our suggestion to Twitter.

Twitter might be focus on fighting directly any content that ?feels sketchy?, such as creepshots, deep fakes and hidden camera. Almost anyone may be able to report this type of content and it is very likely that Twitter will take action.

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This is very good, since this type of unconsented shares creates harmful hardships on anyone depicted in such pics, mostly women and marginalized identities. Twitter should act fast to help prevent more damage to the victim. However, this might also interfere with ?legitimate? Adult Content. For example, what if someone consents to a ?creepshot?? Or what about porn videos of couples being shot on ?intimate settings?? After all, when consented, those can be healthy expressions of sexuality too. We hope Twitter provide a way to deal with this effectively.

Final opinion.

These changes are awesome and big step in the right direction to promote a healthy sharing of sexuality over the internet. Kudos Twitter Team.


For those who want to share Adult Content on Twitter, here is how to mark your content as sensitive:

  1. Tap on the tag ?Settings and Privacy? on your account.

2. Tap on the tag ?Privacy and safety?

3. Toggle the switch on on the ?Safety? tag.

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