Are these the ugliest and the most beautiful people on Earth?

Are these the ugliest and the most beautiful people on Earth?

The follow pictures of people that I?m gonna show are people that are labeled as the ugliest people on Earth:

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This is Lizzie Velasquez. She is 28 years old and born in Texas. She was born with a rare congenital disease that, among other symptoms, prevents her from accumulating body fat. She has also been diagnosed with Marfan syndrome. Because of her disease, she was bullied. Someone posted a video of her in Youtube and she was entitled the ?World?s Ugliest Woman?. When she watched the video, she also read the comments because she was desperate to find someone who can stand up for her. Because of that, she stood up for herself and now, she is a motivational speaker for anti-bullying and for those who are victims of it. She also has 3 books and another one that just came out this year.

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Sam Berns, born on October 23, 1996 and born in Providence Rhode Island. He had progeria. It is an extreme genetic disease in which symptoms resembling aspects of aging are manifested at a very early age. Progeria is one of several progeroid syndromes. Those born with progeria typically live to their mid teens to early twenties. A lot of people judge him by the he looked because he was small like child but, his skin is like an old person?s, however, he is a teenager. Sam didn?t let his condition be the one to control his life. He lived happily because he inspired people, not only to those have the same condition but also to people that didn?t have. He helped raise awareness about the disease. He also had a documentary in HBO, which is ?Life According to Sam?. He also mad an appearance in TEDx Talks. He talked about his ?philosophy for a happy life?. A year later he died, January 10, 2014.

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She is Hayley Okines. She was born in December 3, 1997 and born on Arrington, Cambridgeshire, England. She had the same condition with Sam. Before nobody understand her condition but, that didn?t stop her from becoming something big and well-known. She was an author, activist and was known to spread awareness about the disease. She inspired a lot of people to keep going in even though there are a lot of trials. 2 years ago, April 2, 2015, she died because of pneumonia.

The pictures of people that I?m going to show are people that was labeled the beautiful people in the world:

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Angie Sanclemente Valencia is a former Colombian beauty queen and lingerie model believed to be the ringleader of one of the world?s largest drug syndicates. Valencia, 30, was said to only hire glamour models to transport drugs from South America to Europe.

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Stephanie Boudoin ? the ?beautiful burglar.? Boudoin is accused of breaking into over 40 homes in and around Victoriaville, Canada. Boudoin has over 100 different charges filed against her. Since her pictures were published online, The Daily Mail reports that social media users have dubbed her the ?newest world?s sexiest criminal.?

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22-year-old Stefanie Woods, also known as the ?Cookie Monster,? was sentenced to 15 days in jail and additional 50 hours of community service for violating her probation. Woods was on probation for committing an armed robbery and kidnapping back in 2009. Before the robbery, Woods was arrested at Denny?s for a dine-and-dash over $25 of food, but before that, she did something so ridiculous that it earned her the moniker Cookie Monster.

In 2008, Stefanie Woods and a friend stole $168 from a Girl Scout who was selling cookies at a Winn Dixie supermarket in Boynton Beach, Florida. The fact that she was a ?monster? for stealing from a girl scout isn?t as shocking as the video of her confession, taken shortly after the incident, in which she expressed absolutely no remorse whatsoever. The only regret she had was that she got caught.. and she didn?t get to keep the money!

  • Are the following people you just saw are really the most ugliest and most beautiful people in the world? Let me know what you think.

Love Always,

Haven Lennon Bennett ?


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