An open letter to the love of my life..

An open letter to the love of my life..

If someone told me that I would have found a love this strong, quite frankly I can?t say that I would have believed them. I guess it?s just one of those ?you need to feel it for yourself? type of things..

I always tell you that I wish there was a way to show you, to even tell you in words how much it is that I really, really, love you. And although I?m not sure there will ever be anything nearly possible to show you, I?ve decided to write it out the best I know how to.

When we first met, I wrote an article about you, referring to you as ?the guy I hope never breaks my heart.? And also as ?this boy I?m really starting to like.? Crazy to think that this ?guy?, this ?boy? has turned into my whole world and into the man that I want to and fully intend to spend the rest of my life with.

You see, I?ve felt love for others in my life, but it was always the messy unreciprocated kind. But for you, not only is the love completely reciprocated? But, I don?t just feel love for you, I know, that I?m completely, madly, entirely in love with you.

The way that you make me feel is nothing short of spectacular. You make me the happiest girl alive. You let me feel safe, and showed me that my heart had a home with you. I never have to worry that you?d do anything to intentionally or even unintentionally hurt me, and if you do it?s something completely silly and absurd like only giving me one kiss when you know I get at least 3 a day, remember our rule? But seriously, I am so grateful to have found someone who goes above and beyond to keep me happy and my heart safe, I was guarded until I met you, but now you?re my guard, my forcefield, my superhero. And because of you I am not afraid of anything. Because of you I know that I?ll never be alone.

And because of that I need you to know,

That I will always give my best effort into being and maintaining being the girl of your dreams, because you deserve nothing less than everything you?ve ever wanted. I promise David, to never leave you no matter what happens when the going gets tough, I promise to always fight for you, but never with or against you, to always love you and take care of you like you do me, to treat you with the utmost kindness, gentleness and warmth.

Because you are the love of my life, my present and my future; my reason for being able to be grateful for my past, you are the foundation I?ve started to and will continue to build my life around.

Because you, you are my life. ?

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