A Poem Against Bullying

A Poem Against Bullying

?Sticks and stones can break my bones but words could never hurt me.?

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As the topic of bullying has become more prevalent in recent years, it is understood that occurrences of bullying take place not only in school but in homes, in the workplace, and online.

I would make the argument that bullying is more common now because of the many mediums of communication that are available today.

If you are being bullied in a physical place, you still may not be able to run from the ridicule if you have any type of social media presence.

Millennials are experiencing higher numbers of depression and anxiety than previous generations (according to thinkbig.com), and there is a growing need for mental health assistance on college campuses. With that, it is important to understand bullying in 2018, and the effect words can have on someone through the many forms of communication available today.

I offer the poem below as a way to bring awareness to bullying, and how we as people can work together to lessen the impact it can potentially have on the psyche of any human being.

Sticks and stones break bones, but bones heal back together. Words wound the heart where those scars can last forever.

There?s power in the tongue. It can uplift lives or lead to death, showing hate to someone else reflects the hate you have for self.

We don?t know what the next man?s going through, so be careful who it is you step to. The wrong words on the right day could learn you a lesson. I get it, it?s just jokes but so many suffer secretly from depression. The only antidote is some acceptance.

Sticks and stones break bones, but bones heal back together. Words wound the heart where those scars can last forever.

We have the right to be ourselves regardless of what anyone is saying. Ridicule reveals jealousy so let?s start the conversation on how bullying blocks the bully from reaching their true potential. Positive affirmations are essential for growing in our right. The same words spoken are the same seeds we?re sowing in our own life.

The same power possessed in words is the same power in a reaction. Don?t give a hater the satisfaction. If I say ?hey stupid,? and you turn around who is foolish?

Be the solution not part of the problem being passive letting it happen. There?s kids ending lives from suicide because they do not feel equipped to exist.

Bullying reveals insecurities so let?s bring bullying to a freeze by building up each other?s self esteem, and creating environments where we all succeed. Let your words be a stepping stone to the next (wo)man?s dreams.

Sticks and stones break bones, but bones heal back together. Words wound the heart where those scars can last forever.

The mind is a terrible thing to waste, let?s not waste it on hate. Spread love around through high-fives, hugs, daps and pounds. The smallest gestures of affection go further than you?ll ever know. In the face of aggression love can be our greatest weapon.

Sometimes loving yourself is having enough respect for yourself to stand up for yourself just to show yourself that you can be courageous. It?s the actions on a daily basis that lead to your overall greatness.

Your legacy will go undefeated treating others how you wish to be treated. You?ll understand what this does for your own spirit in due time. An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind.

Be so comfortable with who you are words could never leave a scar. Give your life purpose you?ll have no reason to bully another person.

Sticks and stones break bones, but bones heal back together. Words wound the heart where those scars can last forever.


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