What are the Postal Codes / PIN (ZIP) codes of Nepal? And why are they important?

What are the Postal Codes / PIN (ZIP) codes of Nepal? And why are they important?

List of Postal Codes / PIN (ZIP) codes of NepalSource: Prabidhi.Info

Postal Codes, or also addressed as ZIP codes or PIN codes, are one of the most important things you will be required to provide whenever you are receiving or sending parcel either across locally or internationally. Postal codes or ZIP codes are generally combinations of letters, digits, spaces or even punctuation. For different countries, Postal Codes have different names, for example, in India, postal codes are called PIN codes which is an acronym for Postal Index Number. Similarly, in the US and Philippines, the postal codes are referred to as ZIP codes which stand for Zone Improvement Plan. And in Nepal, it?s simply called a Postal Code.

Postal Code / PIN (ZIP) Codes of Nepal | Kathmandu, Pokhara, Apple ID

Postal Codes (also commonly called a PIN Code or ZIP code) are required when you are sending or receiving the parcel?


Postal Codes, though first practiced in circa the 1860s, the real use was seen during the World War I. And in 1932, the USSR was the first country to initiate the modern postal codes we use today, followed by Germany in 1941, Singapore in 1950, the UK in 1974, and so on. However, Nepal took postal codes into implementation in the late 1990s.

Commonly used Postal Codes for Nepal (Kathmandu, Pokhara, Chitwan, Lumbini)

Out of 922 postal codes present in Nepal, the postal codes for Kathmandu, Pokhara, Chitwan, and Lumbini are the most commonly used ones. The postal code for Kathmandu is 44600, the postal code for Pokhara is 33700, the postal code for Chitwan is 44200, for Lumbini is 32914 and for overall the commonly used postal code of Nepal is 00977.

Click Here for Complete list of Postal Code (ZIP Codes) for Nepal

Why are Postal Codes (PIN Codes) important?

As aforementioned, postal codes are something that plays an important role to get things delivered across the locations. The PIN codes make package sorting and delivery process easy and efficient. For example, in a large city with similar street names, delivering the parcel to the right address might really seem difficult unless the postal codes system is employed, as both of these similar street names would have different and distinctive postal codes assigned.

How to enter the correct Postal Code of Nepal (Kathmandu) while creating an Apple ID?

From what we have seen, it seems Nepali Apple device users have been experiencing some difficulties while creating an Apple ID. The difficulties such as what details to enter when asked for a 6-digit postal code for Nepal (Kathmandu) and 9-digit phone number. And which is why here we have sorted the solution for you.

To enter the 6-digit postal code for Nepal in Apple ID, add any corresponding postal code of your location and add a ?0? as the first digit. As the postal codes for Nepal are of five-digit, adding zero as the first digit, make a 6-digit postal code.

And as for the 9-digit phone number for Nepal in Apple ID, the best option would be to use any landline number you have access to. Or for best, you can use this ?014433326?, which will be redirected to General Post Office located at Dilibazar, Kathmandu.

To learn more about how to use Postal Codes (ZIP Code) for Nepal while shopping online on Aliexpress, Gearbest, or Amazon, go through the embedded post down below. We have also done a complete list of Postal Code for Nepal.

Postal Code / PIN (ZIP) Codes of Nepal | Kathmandu, Pokhara, Apple ID

Postal Codes (also commonly called a PIN Code or ZIP code) are required when you are sending or receiving the parcel across the locations!

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