5 Best Books for Learning C & C++ Programming from Beginner to Expert

5 Best Books for Learning C & C++ Programming from Beginner to Expert

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1. The C Programming Language

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The C Programming Language ? it should be renamed to ?The C Programmer?s bible?. This book is a must-have for any C programmer. It was actually written by the guy who invented the language (so you know it is reliable). This book is a short read, however it is jam-packed with everything you need to know about the language and its fundamental concepts such as, pointers, malloc, and file i/o. It is a great reference guide even for expert C programmers. This book is universally recommended.

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2. The C++ Programming Language

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The C++ Programming Language book was written by the inventor of the C++ programming language, Bjarne Stroustrup. It is a big book, easily reaching over 1000 pages in length. It covers the C++ language top-to-bottom, and can be used as a great reference guide. C++ is generally considered to be quite a complex language and harder to learn than other programming languages. This book is worth picking up if you are developing Software using C++.

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3. C Programming: Language: A Step by Step Beginner?s Guide to Learn C Programming in 7 Days

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This book is exactly what it says it is. It is a complete beginner?s guide into learning C. This is a great book for anyone looking to get just their feet wet with C ? giving the language a taste tester. It will show you how to get your initial programming environment setup, and it provides good practices when writing C code.

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4. C++ Primer

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C++ Primer is a great book for beginners, as suggested by the community. It has received over 4000 upvotes on Stackoverflow and has received exceptional reviews across various platforms. C++ Primer is regularly updated, and has just recently been updated to include how to use the new C++11 language features.

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5. Practical C Programming

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Practical C Programming is a simple and easy to read book, cutting the b*llshit. It covers how to avoid the pitfalls of C and how to get the most out of the language itself. It is a practical guide for developing Software using the C programming language. This book is helpful for programmers looking to get work done. Simple and straight to the point.

We hope you enjoyed this list of best books for learning C and C++

Happy Coding!

Originally published at zeroequalsfalse.press.