25 Dollar 1up Review — Read this honest review before join!

25 Dollar 1up Review — Read this honest review before join!

Lately there has been a buzz about the new ?25 Dollar 1up? affiliate program. Since I?ve been doing affiliate marketing for 12 years and always looking for new opportunities, I was curious, signed up and decided to look at the program and see what business opportunities it provides.

This is my 25 Dollar 1up review?

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25 Dollar 1up is a platform that allows internet marketers to be exposed to other marketers in the niche of making money, to brand themselves, to offer them their services or to refer them to the affiliate programs they market. In addition to these points, 25 Dollar 1up affiliate program is based on a financial incentive (which I will detail below) for marketing the platform, and these audiences of marketers, that join it, contribute in fact to distributing the platform in a short time to a wide audience.

Unlike many affiliate marketing programs, the payment for use of the 25 Dollar 1up services is very low (the basic service costs only $ 25 ? onetime fee) and there is no monthly fee.

Do you want to register for the 25 Dollar 1up? Click on the link below to subscribe:http://www.businessopportunities.online/25Dollar1Up

One thing that important to me to clarify at the beginning ? it is not an autopilot system!

You may have encountered advertisements from other marketers who present an idea of getting rich quick and highlight the financial incentive potential for signing up for the platform. In my opinion, this is a mistaken mindset and this can actually lead to the opposite result.

There is no patent of passive income and automatic cash machine. Such an illusion only creates an expectation and a bubble that, once exploded, can lead to disappointment.

25 Dollar 1up is a platform that when used correctly by experienced Internet marketers, can bring them value and help them in their marketing efforts in this niche.

There are many platforms and affiliate programs for online marketers, so what?s special about the 25 Dollar 1up affiliate program?

The ?25 Dollar 1up? affiliate program has a system that rewards partners directly for their sales. The marketers of the program put their own payment methods and accounts (PayPal, Stripe, Authorize etc.) in the personal settings area, and when new marketers join them they pay them directly.

For example, if you joined as a reseller and entered your PayPal email account, then as soon as a new marketer joins the platform, he or she will click on a button in the platform that will redirect them to pay directly to your PayPal account.

This method has advantages and disadvantages for us as marketers. On the one hand, we receive the payment directly and immediately without ?25 Dollar 1up? taking a commission (as is the case in most programs), but on the other hand, if for some reason the customer is not satisfied, (usually for reasons unrelated to us ? except if we Sell them illusions), you can risk your PayPal account (and indeed 25 Dollar 1up do not recommend using PayPal, because PayPal has a tougher and less forgiving policy for such marketing systems and instead they recommend using stripe or Authorize).

Another thing that distinguishes ?25 Dollar 1up? program is the ?1up reseller? incentive method.

Each marketer in the system receives 100% commission on the first sale and 100% commissions for all other sales ? except for the second sale. The commission of the second sale is transferred to the sponsor above us (that we registered for the program through is affiliate link). In this way, we receive a commission on all sales except for one time (the second sale) that is transferred to the one above.

In my opinion, as an affiliate, it is best to see it this way ? we get a commission on our sales, and if those people who registered through us also succeed in marketing the platform, each one of them gives us an additional bonus of $ 25.

It is important to note ? in my opinion, this is not a pyramid method or MLM! It is just an affiliate program that gives some incentive to its marketers by ?bonuses?.

Do you want to register for the 25 Dollar 1up? Click on the link below to subscribe:http://www.businessopportunities.online/25Dollar1Up

What?s the difference between $ 10, $ 25 and $ 100?

The initial enrollment for ?25 Dollar 1up? program costs $10 (onetime payment that they call hosting fee). This money is transferred to the owners and not to the marketers, and in my opinion it is intended to cover development and operating costs, and also off course that the owners will also earn something (because 100% of the payment is always transferred directly to the marketers).

Apart from registration, ?25 Dollar 1up? has two levels of services. There is the basic package (Gold level) which costs $25 and there is the advanced package (Platinum level) which costs $100. In both cases, this is a one-time cost!

The ?Gold level? allow us to market the program and to get the commission for the $25 sales (Gold level). In addition, it allows us to access an area that contains textual information, which may help us to market the platform with examples of sales headlines, examples of ready-to-market posts on Facebook, examples of selling emails for the platform and Mindset audio clips.

In my opinion, at this stage of the Gold package, the focus is almost entirely on marketing the system and on giving information that will help us market the system. It is important to understand this in terms of matching expectations.

Some marketers will be satisfied with the basic level and will focus on attempts to market the program. But, in my opinion, most of the added value is in the platinum level.

The platinum level contains the real incentives. It allows us to manage a personal page in the platform that will be presented to those we sponsors. You can put up to 12 banners (image and link) so you can actually market other affiliate programs and offers that you market regularly. You also have the option to upload a video to present yourself for more personal branding. If you are marketing the niche of making money, then this page will actually enable you to market to a high quality target audience!

In addition to the personal page, the Platinum package opens a section of marketing training videos on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.

There is one more additional incentive ? when you join a platinum package, you can also earn the $100 commissions, if someone under you subscribes to a platinum package.

Two important points about packages and fees:

  • Those registered for the Gold package can receive only the fees for $25 packages, and those who are registered to the Platinum package can receive only the commissions of $100 packages. If you want to accept both types of fees, you need to register for both packages.

If you sign up for the Gold package only, but someone below you signs up for the Platinum package, the one who will receive the $100 commission is your sponsor (if he signs up for a Platinum package). But if he is only at the stage of Gold, then his sponsor (if he is a member of platinum) or someone above it in the ?tree? that has a platinum package (until it finds one) will get it.

Those bonuses are one of the main incentives, because if for example, you are a platinum member and someone below you market the program but has no platinum account, every time someone signs up for platinum from them, you can get $100 commissions.

In conclusion, I think that ?25 Dollar 1up? affiliate program is an interesting business opportunity.

Since it is still new and fresh then the opportunity (off course with some risks) is big and you will make your considerations whether it is worth taking the opportunity to join the program now or wait for it to be more stable and famous (but then the competition will be much greater). I believe that the owner of the platform will add more features in the future, so the low non-recurring cost is attractive (compared to all the offers with the endless monthly payment).

Remember! Direct payments have advantages because they help with high cash flow that can cover advertising costs.

There is no doubt that ?25 Dollar 1up? is an intriguing and unconventional program in the niche of money making and it has a special model of incentives. I tried, in this review, to help you to match expectations correctly, so that you know exactly what you are signing up for. This is not a quick-get rich recipe; it?s not yet a rich training platform with lots of features (I believe it will be filled in the future)?

but it is a unique rare affiliate program with tons of potential if you use it right.

Like I said in the beginning of this Business Opportunity Review, I am doing Affiliate Marketing for 12 years.If you like my ?25 Dollar 1up? honest review and decide to join the program, I will be glad if you use my link:http://www.businessopportunities.online/25Dollar1Up

Good luck!


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