1. This-or-That

1. This-or-That

Every couple experiences the yearning of separation. Maybe you?ve been together for a few months and five minutes apart feels like a year. Or perhaps you?ve spent twenty years together. The ebb and flow of your journey together has left a rift you. Either way, sexting is a fun and exciting way to inspire passion in your relationship.

People have been sexting as long as technology permitted. Humans are inventive creatures like that. Learning how to sext came naturally for humankind. We?ve come a long way from the rudimentary ?HOT4U? texts our forecousins sent each other. It?s time to get crafty and up your sexting game with these sexting ideas. Here are ten fun sexting games to play with your partner to get the sex juices flowing.

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Most people know this game as ?would you rather? and the options are less-than-desirable. Like being eaten alive by fire ants or burnt to a slow crisp.

This version is much better. Offer your partner two sexy scenarios and make them choose the one they prefer. Next time you see each other, act out the situation(s) each of you selected. For example, does your partner want to drizzle chocolate syrup all over you and lick it off? Or would they prefer to be blindfolded and submit to you?

Much better than a mound of fire ants.

This game can teach you a lot about your partner?s desires. It can be a catalyst for conversations down the road about how to enhance your sexual connection.

2. Treasure Hunt

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Who doesn?t love a good hunt? Next time you?re at your partner?s place, leave something risqu behind in a hidden spot. It can be a sex toy, a book of sex positions, some lingerie, a stack of naked photos, or something else sexy as hell. A few hours or days later, text your partner to let them know you left a seductive treat for them to find.

Then, offer them clues while they get hotter and hotter (and eventually find your prize). You can reward them next time you?re together by making good use of that treasure.

3. Boss Day

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This game is especially popular with dom/sub couples. For the entire day, one of you gets to be the ?boss? and tell the other what to do. Is your partner in a meeting with a client? Tell her to spank herself on the way in. Are they meeting with friends for dinner? Instruct him to spill beer on his chest in slow motion and rub his nipples afterward. It doesn?t have to be extreme, but you get the point.

Your options are endless. You can recruit people to take pictures or video, to make sure your partner holds up their end of the bargain. And if they don?t, punish them appropriately.

Taking it to the next level, pick a day where one of you is in charge. You make every decision? from where you go, to what you eat. Reward your partner by instructing them to do something sexy that involves you.

4. The Classic

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Sexting ideas usually begin with classic sexting: using words to send a randy message to your partner. And that?s mostly still true, but now you can augment words with audio recordings, pictures, and video.

Classic sex-texting still has a place in the world of sexting. It?s excellent foreplay for some of the other games mentioned here. It can also be fun to play when you?re sitting right next to each other, especially if there are other people around (like a formal dinner).

5. Memory Lane

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Taking a stroll down memory lane is a fun way to arouse provocative feelings for your partner. Ask if they remember the time you did [fill in the blank]. Talk about the time you had sex in a public place, played with your new favorite toy, or made love for the first time.

Mention details; relive the memory together. Ask them what their favorite sexual memory is. If you want to up the ante, you can follow-up by asking them to describe their favorite fantasy. In other words, what new memory do they want to make with you?

6. Truth or Dare

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Everyone has played this vintage game at some point in their life. Playing over sext adds a fun twist you can leverage in sexy ways. If your partner chooses truth, you have the safety of distance. You can let your wall down and ask them things you really want to know. What?s their favorite position? Are they open to BDSM or pegging? Would they be willing to try a threesome?

If they choose dare, the sky?s the limit. You?re not bound by geographical limitations, like the room you?re in. You can ask for a naughty video, or dare them to do something and demand pictures or audio for proof.

7. Body Part Enigma

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This is a great game for visual people. Snap a photo of your favorite body part. It?s best to avoid filters and stickers, but you can adjust the lighting and cropping. Close-ups are the most fun because they?re abstract and take longer to guess.

You can trade-off between regular body parts and sexy parts to throw your partner off. Trade-off sexting pics of your elbow, then your ass. Which is which? If they guess right, they get a sexy prize next time you?re together.

8. Sexy Reminders

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This one is pretty straightforward. When you see something hot that gives you information or ideas, send it to your partner with a personal note. You might be browsing the web and peep a new position you want to try, or a sex toy that looks fun. Text your partner the link, with some photos.

You can make a few suggestions about how you want to use the toy. Or give them a visual of what that new sex position might look like on you. You?ll both have something to look forward to next time you?re together.

9. Play-by-Play

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Both of you find a private spot to masturbate. Give each other a detailed play-by-play of your masturbation. You can use text, audio, pictures, and video. Keep updating your partner as you near orgasm.

If you want to raise the bar, race each other to orgasm. Whoever reaches orgasm first (or last, depending on how you set it up) wins. The winner earns a special prize to be determined next time you see each other.

10. Emoji Decoder

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As a general rule, you want to keep the emojis to a minimum when you?re sexting. The occasional winky face or suggestive eggplant is okay. But too many emojis knock your x-rated sext down to PG-13.

The exception is this fun little game. Type out a sentence using nothing but emojis. Make sure there?s a sexy hidden message in your emoji text. An example might be:

[lips] [eggplant] [thumbs up]

After you send it, tell your partner to guess the meaning. To up the ante, give them three chances to guess right. If they do, send them a tantalizing prize.

BONUS: 8 free sexting apps to spice up your game

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Technology is on your side. Improvements in mobile tech continue to make sexting easier and more diverse. There are some excellent free apps on the market to help you fulfill your sexting desires. Here are eight of my favorites.

1. Snapchat. The original temporary image-messaging app. Even though it has evolved, you can still use it for its original purpose. Send those sexy photos and watch them disappear!

2. Dust. It?s like Snapchat, for pictures and encrypted messages. The message disappears as soon as its opened and viewed (or read). It?s a great way to test your partner?s visual memory.

3. Wickr. This app handles images, messages, and voice recordings. But fret not, the patented encryption on this bad boy is top-notch.

4. Messenger. Chances are, you probably already use Facebook Messenger anyway. You might as well use it for sexting pics and messages. You can chat, send pics and other files, call, or video chat.

5. FaceTime. Apple?s built-in video phone service. Just find your partner?s contact on your device, select the FaceTime option, and ring them. Don?t forget to fix your hair.

6. Duo. Google?s simple, reliable video chatting app for the Android platform (much like Apple?s Facetime). If you don?t like Duo, you can use Google Hangouts.

7. KIK. It keeps things private from the get-go. KIK sexting has taken on a life of its own. There are entire websites dedicated to KIK sexting and finding dates using KIK?s matching features. You can share messages, pics, videos, and more.

8. Between. It?s a digital scrapbook of your relationship. In a shared account, you and your partner can upload pictures, exchange messages, and write notes. Aw. But really, your scrapbook isn?t complete without an XXX section. It?s an essential part of your relationship. While you?re tracking your monthiversaries, you might as well send a naughty message or two.

Learning how to sext can be a lot of fun. Modern technology has made it almost endless with so many options for delivery. Moreover, sexting can open up difficult lines of communication between partners. Talking about sex isn?t always easy. Using the guise of a sex game can be a clever way of getting your partner to open up when other methods have failed.

If you?ve never sexted before, try these sexting ideas with content that?s on the tamer side. Don?t start sexting pics of a 12? dildo halfway up your muff. Tell them you?ve been fantasizing about them all day or that you had a sexy dream last night (and be prepared to share details). Once you?ve established trust you can start pushing the boundaries. And push you shall.

Don?t send pictures and videos until you?re sure they?ll be welcomed. In fact, be prepared to hold out sometimes. Half the point of sexting is to tease your partner. The best tool you have in the game of sexting is to withhold goods. On some days, use your words, and only your words. Then surprise your partner with visuals on other days. Keep them guessing.

The best thing you can do for your sexting is to be trustworthy, unpredictable, and sexy. If you follow through on those three things, your partner will think ? nay, know ? you?re irresistible.


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