深度剖析S386 | 这个法案对中国人有何影响?

深度剖析S386 | 这个法案对中国人有何影响?

???????????????????????? ? ? ????S.386????


??????????????????????????????????????1???????????David Perdue????S.386?????(block)??



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??????Mike Lee?????????????????????????????????

??????Mike Lee?????????????????????????

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???????????All major tech companies could then be dominated by workers, managers, directors and senior execs from one single country. ?





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02 ???????

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????There?s a better way.




??????????????????????????????????? (????????) ?


?Hello, my name is XXX(??). I?m calling urgently to ask the senator XXX to vote NO on Bill S386 ? Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2019. My zip code is (????).

This bill will harm the US tremendously. Please vote NO on the bill and call for a public hearing! Thank you.?


This bill directly ruins racial and gender diversity and introduces tons of outsourcing jobs. It will also severely harm American universities because international talents will FLEE to other countries.




David Perdue, R-GA?202?224?3521

Josh Hawley, R-MO?202?224?6154

Tim Scott, R-SC?202?224?6121

Sherrod Brown, D-OH?202?224?2315


Dick Durbin, D-IL DC: 202?224?2152 Chicago: 312?353?4952 Springfield: 217?492?4062 Carbondale: 618?351?1122 Rock Island: 309?786?5173

Dianne Feinstein, D-CA


Lindsay Graham, R-SC


John Thune, R-SD ??????


Elizabeth Warren, D-MA


Ed Markey, D-MA


Patty Murray, D-WA




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03 ????



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