Email Template: How to Cold Email Someone for Coffee

Email Template: How to Cold Email Someone for Coffee

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Informational meetings, or the oh-so-famous ?coffee meetings?, are great ways to get your foot in the door, learn more about an industry, or simply grow your network. The problem? You can?t get these meetings unless you ask ?.

If reaching out to someone you don?t know freaks you out, you are not alone. But more often than not, people will be flattered to pass on some of their knowledge to you. Just remember that.

Here are two full proof email templates to landing a coffee meeting:


Dear [their name],

I?m [your name] and I am a [your job title] at [company name] in [location]. I?m reaching out because [specific reason you want to meet with them.] I know you are busy, but I would love to meet for a coffee and [what you would like to learn about] ? even just 20 minutes would be so appreciated. What does your calendar in the next couple weeks look like?

Thank you,

[your name]


If you are a student and not yet working you can say ?I?m [your name] and I?m currently working on my undergrad at [School Name].?

Here?s another example:

Dear Sarah,

I?m Maggie Stamets and I?m currently interning at Yahoo News in Manhattan. I?m reaching out because I?m very interested in creating content for tech companies and there are few women creating as many successful videos as you have for Squarespace.

I know you?re very busy, but I would love to meet you for a coffee and learn more about how you feel content in tech is evolving. Even 20 minutes would be so appreciated. Are you available sometime next week for a coffee?

Thank you,

Maggie Stamets

Remember, the worst thing they will say is no or nothing at all. (If it?s radio silence, they?re probably just too busy. Don?t take it personally.) You don?t have anything to lose and a whole network of professionals to gain!

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Read more from #BUILTBYGIRLS:? How to Prep That Big Meeting? How to Talk About Your Experience When You?re a Student? Email Template: How to Write a Stand-Out Thank You Note