What to Expect at a Open Call for Models

What to Expect at a Open Call for Models

Wondering what to expect and a Open Call for Models?

There are many tips and advice that a new face model can learn prior to attending an open casting call. One of the first and most important tips for any model to prepare for an open casting at a modeling agency, is to make sure that you attend with the correct marketing materials. Walking into an open call without any head shots or a portfolio is like walking into a job interview without any type of resume. You are truly will not be taken seriously at a legitimate modeling agency.

There are so many wonderful modeling agencies in New York however as we can see in the past years, more and more agencies are shying away from hosting open casting calls for new face and beginner models and are strictly going digital allowing online submissions.

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Materials to bring to an Open Call

As discussed above, it is essential to make sure you attend a casting call with a headshot, portfolio or a composite card. These are generally necessary when attending meet your mom and agencies however, there are many smaller boutique companies that will allow you to attend Casting without those required materials.

Also if you are really serious about becoming a model, don?t let not having head shots for a portfolio shy you away from trying. There are many models that get discovered and excepted to the agencies without those materials however, it is always best to leave a great first. By investing in great marketing you can make all the difference in getting a casting what getting signed to a modeling agency.

Many well-known modeling agencies host open casting calls in New York City some including VNY, Next Model Management and Latitude Talent Studios that excepts talent on the evaluation basis. They?re different as they are not an agency and simply allow talent to gain the marketing needed to get started. To prepare for a casting call it is always best to follow the tips above. To become a model, apply here