What screams “I’m from the upper class”? — Top characteristics of high-class people

What screams “I’m from the upper class”? — Top characteristics of high-class people

Upper class ? this is a term about a noble social class with a lot of admiration. These people are very rich and normally, their immense wealth has been passed through many generations. However, in many cases, it is impossible to tell if a person is from this noble class if you only look at how she/he spends money. It is because many high-class men lead a frugal lifestyle and do not really like to show off. Nevertheless, they still share some common traits which I will introduce to you in this post. Read on and get enlightened!

Silent, innate confidence

It is very rare to see an upper-class person being pushed around. The way they act and talk may even be considered arrogant sometimes. But they have all the reasons to do so. There is no need for them to try to prove anything to anyone. Hence, they are cool and collected. These people tend to look a person in the eye and speak their mind.

Buying high-end things not for reactions

Many people say that the upper class does not buy luxury and only the rich, arrogant idiots spend tons of money for extremely expensive products or services. However, it is not true, not even a bit. Luxury brands like Rolex, Hermes, Christian Louboutin,? exist because the wealthy class buys them. They buy expensive goods because these products are extremely well-made, hold their values and are suitable for some certain events. They spend their money with a smart purpose, not just to be flashy or for reactions. People who are concerned about how others seeing their clothing labels normally are not accustomed to real wealth.

Image for postUpper-class people don?t show off the clothing brands (well, why do they have to advertise something for free?)

Sure, there are many examples of wealthy people who lead a very frugal life like Warren Buffett, who lives in a very normal house, or IKEA billionaire Ingvar Kamprad, who had his hair cut in developing countries. However, it?s just that they don?t like some certain products or service. They should not be taken as absolute examples of the wealthy upper class living.

World Class Medical Healthcare

Sure, we all care about our health. However, the amount of attention the people from the upper class pay for their well-being is on a whole new level. As they have a huge fortune, they can afford world-class health resources that improve and protect their health better. Not only do they spend a lot for themselves, but also the same for their wife, children, and their grandchildren as well. On the other hand, middle and lower classes do not spend too much on health. Their income cannot allow them to pay for the best health coverage and other health-related programs. They usually depend on free health programs offered by the government agents or other non-government organizations.

Upper class tends to spend more on medical health. In most nations, the top level of people is healthier citizens, but surprisingly they are the biggest buyers of health products. They pay regular visits to medical experts for check-ups. When they get ill, they are treated early enough because they can afford to hire private doctors who will attend to them.

Upper-class lifestyle needs Healthy Diets

Majority of upper-class citizens understand the vital aspect of health. They know that better health can only be achieved through consumption of the right food. Generally, processed meat, cheese, or milk or junk food are a big no-no. Well-balanced diets with the correct nutritional values of proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins are a must. Well, Warren Buffett and Donald Trump are an extreme anti-example though.

Quality food is more important to this class than the quantity of the food they consume. Note that each social class has what it deems ??good food?? but the differences are reflected in the food budget. People of the upper class tend to go for small portions of several kinds of food with high-quality components. On the other hand, lower and middle levels go for large portions of food items but of low-quality ingredients. Even when upper and lower class go to the same restaurant, they might order food differently. The upper class is not only about money but the way they deal with it.

Education ? High class and Never-ending

When it comes to the matter of schooling, the upper class does things differently. They believe that education does not come to an end when school ends. They invest a lot of energy and time into their children. For instance, they read to their young kids, ask them some thought-provoking questions. They also discuss current emerging issues with their kids.

Another thing to note with education among the upper class is that they promote various extravagant selections and choices. For instance, those who like playing music, play a specific type of music. They do not do that because of the music itself, but because of the skills, the music teaches them.

Another difference is the attitude towards learning a new language. People from middle and lower classes in the society are not fond of promoting foreign languages because of the fear they may not use some languages in their lifetime. Most likely they will not use that language in any way. On the other hand, the social upper class believes that it is not about the languages themselves, but the skills and expertise they equip themselves within the process of learning a new language. Therefore, what matters to this social high class is the skills they acquire from a new language.

Additionally, the way they treasure the talents of their kids is also different. Their children are encouraged to explore their curiosities. It is important to note that other classes in the community push for good scores, higher level education and conformity more than the social upper class does. The reason behind this is that middle and lower social classes believe that, this is the only way to succeed and to have their dreams come true. On the other hand, the upper class in society gives their kids an opportunity to explore their talents and other natural interests. That is how they find a way of making professional careers.

Moreover, upper classes in the society spend a significant portion of their time helping their children understand the system of investment by teaching them, because in future they may inherit their parent?s finances.

Good Network

Normally, the upper class is well connected. They are familiar with many people, and the people in the community knows them. But they are very selective with the friends they hang around. They tend to socialize a bit differently. They favor quality time, events and experiences over frequency. To them, socializing is all about connecting, developing valuable relationships and more importantly making memories. You will never find them doing something for the sake of passing the time.

Upper-class kids are not any smarter in society, but they have their useful networks. Their parents interact with wealthy and influential people in the community. Some of their friends are politicians and famous businessmen and women. When you visit their home, you are treated in a friendly and welcoming manner.

There are some more other signs of upper-class people but the above-mentioned points are the most important. Based on these points, you can easily tell if a person is really from that admired social class.