What is White Henna & Why It Is so Popular?

What is White Henna & Why It Is so Popular?

Introduction of White Henna

You might have seen photos flooding some of the social platforms with white henna. White henna looks beautiful and stunning too on darker skin tones(see image below) as well as for western-style brides who want to refrain from traditional red henna. But, what exactly is this white henna? First of all we clarify certain points here about this white art. There is no such stuff as white Henna. ?It is white body paint?, white glitter and adhesive and white or metallic temporary tattoos.

Image for postTemporary White Henna Tattoo for Dark Skin ToneImage for postWhite Henna Art on Feet

People are using and flaunting designing made from acrylic or craft paint. Thought not recommended or approved by expert, bust still in fashion. We all know the word henna means a plant which is known to produce red or reddish brown tint after applying on body parts (see image below) as henna. Henna itself is a plant that gives a reddish brown color. Word henna is also used to define the art of adorning the hands and feet and other body parts for tattooing either at home or by some professionally trained person. You may also hear the word Mehndi for the same in Hindi.

Image for postThis is the picture of temporary henna tattoo

The most commonly seen white henna are really just face paint that can be removed easily unlike actual henna art. None of the white henna will ever leave a tint on the applied area ala real henna.

What Ingredients White Henna Has?

White henna (as people are calling it) is however safe compared to ammonia and PPD or other type if chemicals, but still a check must be there for this sort of body art. Some companies have products which are waterproof and can survive for 1?7 days. Glitter and mica tattoos are other option to get that look. Usually the desired look is obtained in two steps. A layer of cosmetic paste is applied, followed by a dusting of good quality, safe glitter or mica powder. Experts are also trying to reduce these two steps into one. Following things must be avoided with white henna:

? Chlorine bleach, hair bleach, skin bleaching product or any other product that is a chemical bleach.

? Acrylic paint, tempera paint and like of.

? Nail polish.

? Any other product not recommended or approved by authorities or experts for skin application.

I hope that after reading this post all your doubt about White Henna will clear. Before applying do your skin test, check the ingredients. If you satisfy then go for it and if not then go for temporary henna tattoo.

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