What are the names of the middle three toes of your foot?

What are the names of the middle three toes of your foot?

No, you don?t call those toes the pointer, middle toe and ring toe. What do you call them?

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The fingers on your hands are easy. They are called thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger and little finger. But the toes on your feet? Yes, you have a big toe and a little toe. But those three middle toes? What are their names?

Toes have no nameDo those toes perhaps have stone, middle toe and ring toe? No, that kind of names for the middle three toes on your feet does not exist in Dutch. Doctors and scientists use the Latin names for it. Hereby the big toe is called Digit I Pedis, the toe next to it is Digit II Pedis, and so on.

Left foot and right footIt is also possible to distinguish between the two feet. For this you use sinister (left) and dexter (right). In short: the ?ring toe? of your right foot is called Digit IV Pedis Dexter, the middle toe of your left foot Digit III Pedis Sinister, and so on. The fingers of the hand are also officially numbered with the term Digit. Only then the word manus (hand) is used instead of pedis (foot).

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There are different types of feetHave you ever looked closely at your feet? Then you may have noticed that your Digit II Pedis is longer than your big toe. Or maybe it?s shorter or the same length. Depending on which toe is longer, you have a different ?type? of foot. Those species also have names. You can have an Egyptian foot, but also a Roman or a Greek one. Your left and right foot are never completely identical. It can happen that you have both a Greek and an Egyptian foot for example.