Understanding the “this” Keyword in JavaScript

Understanding the “this” Keyword in JavaScript

How the value of ?this? is assigned in different scenarios

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In this article, we?re going to learn about the JavaScript keyword this and how the value of this is assigned in different scenarios. The best way to digest the content of this article is by quickly executing the code snippet in your browser?s console. Follow the below steps to launch the console in your Chrome browser:

  • Open new tab in Chrome
  • Right click on page, and select ?inspect element? from the context menu
  • Go to the console panel
  • Start executing the JavaScript code

Objects are the basic building blocks in JavaScript. There?s one special object available in JavaScript, the this object. You can see the value of this at every line of JavaScript execution. The value of this is decided based on how the code is being executed.

Before getting started with this, we need to understand a little about the JavaScript runtime environment and how a JavaScript code is executed.

Execution Context

The environment (or scope) in which the line is being executed is known as the execution context. The JavaScript runtime maintains a stack of these execution contexts, and the execution context present at the top of this stack is the one currently being executed. The object this refers to changes every time the execution context is changed.

?this? Refers to a Global Object

By default, the execution context for an execution is global ? which means if a code is being executed as part of a simple function call, then this refers to a global object.

The window object is the global object in the case of the browser. And in a NodeJS environment, a special object called global will be the value of this.

For example:

Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE)

If strict mode is enabled for any function, then the value of this will be marked as undefined as in strict mode. The global object refers to undefined in place of the windows object.

For example:

foo(); prints false into the console since in strict mode the value of this in a global-execution context is undefined.

?this? Refers to a New Instance

When a function is invoked with the new keyword, then the function is known as a constructor function and returns a new instance. In such cases, the value of this refers to a newly created instance.

For example:

In the case of person.displayName, this refers to a new instance person, and in case of person2.displayName(), this refers to person2 (which is a different instance than Person).

?this? Refers to an Invoker Object (Parent Object)

In JavaScript, the property of an object can be a method or a simple value. When an object?s method is invoked, then this refers to the object which contains the method being invoked.

In this example, we?re going to use the method foo as defined in the first example.

user.foo() prints false because now this refers to the user object instead of the global object.

With the above example, it?s clear how the value of this can be confusing in some cases.

The function definition of foo1 is the same, but when it?s being called as a simple function call, then this refers to a global object. And when the same definition is invoked as an object?s method, then this refers to the parent object. So the value of this depends on how a method is being invoked.

?this? With the Call and Apply Methods

A function in JavaScript is also a special type of object. Every function has call, bind, and apply methods. These methods can be used to set a custom value to this in the execution context of the function.

We?re going to use the second example defined above to explain the use of call:

The only difference between the call and apply methods is the way an argument is passed. In the case of apply, the second argument is an array of arguments, whereas in the case of the call method, the arguments are passed individually.

?this? With the Bind Method

The bind method returns a new method with this referring to the first argument passed. We?re going to use the above example to explain the bind method.

?this? With the Fat-Arrow Function

As part of ES6, a new way was introduced to define a function.

let displayName = (fn, ln) => {

console.log(Name: ${fn} ${ln});


When a fat arrow is used, it doesn?t create a new value for this. this keeps on referring to the same object it?s referring to outside of the function.

Let?s look at some more examples to test our knowledge of this.

Since the callback is invoked as a simple function call inside a multiple function, this refers to the global object windows inside the execution context of the callback method.

test() prints true as the count variable declaration happened in the global execution context, so count will become part of the global object.


So now you can figure out the value of this by following these simple rules:

  • By default, this refers to a global object, which is global in the case of NodeJS and a window object in the case of a browser
  • When a method is called as a property of an object, then this refers to the parent object
  • When a function is called with the new operator, then this refers to the newly created instance
  • When a function is called using the call and apply methods, then this refers to the value passed as the first argument of the call or apply method

As you?ve seen above, the value of this can sometimes be confusing, but the above rules can help you to figure out the value of this.