Twitter Unfollow Tool to Find Who’s Not Following Back

Twitter Unfollow Tool to Find Who’s Not Following Back

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There?s no definite way on Twitter to find account who?s not following back your Twitter account. You can look at your followers and followings but not at those accounts who don?t follow back.

Some Twitter users follow many Twitter accounts to get follow backs when they are new to Twitter. But, when they don?t get enough follow backs, they want to unfollow the Twitter accounts who didn?t follow them back.

More often than not, if you?re on Twitter to grow your Twitter followers and promote your business, you want to maintain a healthy follower-following ratio. Getting rid of accounts who do not follow back requires you to use a Twitter unfollow tool.

Twitter unfollow tools help you get rid of fake Twitter followers or accounts who don?t follow back. These tools make it easy for you to spot your unfollowers and unfollow them. Simply put, using a Twitter unfollow tool can help you manage your Twitter followings efficiently.

Circleboom is a Twitter tool that offers a lot of Twitter functionalities like finding Twitter accounts who don?t follow back, scheduling tweets, and more.

Let me explain you in detail as to how you can use Circleboom and clean up your Twitter profiles from accounts who don?t follow back.

Use Circleboom ?unfollow? feature to find those Twitter accounts who are not following back:

Log in to the Circleboom dashboard and go the ?Circleboom Circle? tab on the left menu. Select ?Not following back? and you will get a list of all the Twitter accounts who you follow but they don?t.

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Unfollow them from the Twitter after clicking visit button. And clean your Twitter profile from accounts you?re not interested in.

Delete All My Tweets with Circleboom – Find and delete your tweets and replies

Delete your Tweets A fresh start is a few clicks away. Circleboom’s power search enables you to find specific tweets?

Circleboom, a Twitter account management tool, enables you to list and clean up your account from bottom to top. You can also see fake accounts, inactive accounts which do not Tweet more than 30 days. Check your inactive Twitter accounts >

Whitelist Twitter Accounts you Don?t wish to Unfollow:

There are several Twitter accounts of celebrities, politicians, and brands that you follow to stay updated but they will most likely not follow you back.

To make sure that you keep all your interesting profiles in your list and don?t unfollow them, you can whitelist their account from the Circleboom dashboard.

While you?re selecting accounts to unfollow from the ?lost focus? list, there?s a green icon that helps you whitelist accounts. So, instead of visit the profile url and unfollow , click on the green icon and those accounts will be whitelisted.

You can later visit the ?whitelist? section under ?Circle? section to check your list of whitelisted accounts.

Be Mindful of Twitter Policies while Unfollowing Accounts:

Twitter has strict policies on how often you can unfollow accounts and how many accounts can be unfollowed at once. Twitter doesn?t permit bulk following and unfollowing and doing so can result in an immediate account suspension.

While there are no clear numbers on how many accounts can be unfollowed at a time, it?s best to not practice this aggressively. This is what Twitter has to say about following-unfollowing accounts:

?We monitor all accounts for aggressive following and follow churn (repeatedly following and unfollowing large numbers of other accounts). You can read more about these, but if you don?t follow or unfollow hundreds of accounts in a single day, and you aren?t using automated methods of following accounts, you should be fine.?

How to Delete your Twitter Archive/ History

Circleboom has just released a new Twitter feature that would make deleting your Twitter archive the simplest task. If?

So, that?s a few simple steps on how Circleboom can help you with unfollowing Twitter accounts who don?t follow back. Check out other Twitter features of Circleboom before you signup for the free plan.

twitter unfollow tool free unfollow Twitter accounts

Originally published at on November 21, 2018.