Touching Letters from Daughters to Their Dads

Touching Letters from Daughters to Their Dads

These words define what it means to be a father, to be your daughter?s friend and guide.

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By Susy Richards


How simple do these two words seem yet how deep they are! How easy it is to type this on a piece of paper for your dad but how much more complicated it becomes to explain all the reasons why you are thankful to him. There are more than many things that your father has provided you in all these years.

Here, we have rounded up some of the cutest letters penned down by the daughters who want to thank the father figures in their lives for all the countless things they did for them:


When I sit back and remember all the countless times that you carried me on your shoulders, I am convinced that the God knew what he/she was doing when the God chose you to be my dad. The one man that always encouraged me to reach for the stars was you. I am thankful for all the things you prepared me for.

Although you were never as vocal as Mommy and never escorted me around from activity to activity, your influence, your quiet yet strong presence was always there. I have now truly realized the true depth and breadth of your presence throughout my life. In you, I see the effortless dedication to care and love.

You are always loved!

Your girl


Dear Daddy,

I know you to be always loving and nurturing, to be warm-hearted and soft and to be caring and thoughtful. This not only makes me proud but also makes me cherish all the gifts life has bestowed upon me. There are no words to describe my immense love for you.

One thing that is most distinguishable of your character is humor. Your humor has seen me through many trials. Your way of dealing with things is what people see in me too. You are my tower of strength. I can never thank you enough for being an amazing example of a true human being in my life.

I?m so thankful that you?re mine!


To my great father,

I hope you know dad, how blessed I feel to have you in my life! I?m super proud to be your daughter. No words written on paper can accurately express the love I feel for you. Whenever you lifted me in your strong wide arms and enveloped me in the warmest and tightest hug possible, I knew you were the man I could always take refuge in.

Every time you dropped me off at school and let go of my tightly held hand, I would anticipate for the school to get over so I could hold that hand again. Your never-ending series of jokes made you my Daddy Cool! You have motivated me in every walk of life, be it education, extra-curricular activities or relationships at different stages in my life.

Thanks for not only being the best-dad-ever but for being my best friend too!

I love you!


Dear Poppy,

Wanted to thank you for everything you have done for me so far. I am truly and incredibly blessed to have you as my dad. You are my biggest supporter, my best bud, my rock and my inspiration. I know I can always count on you in every ugly situation I get.

I have no doubt that God took a piece of you to make me for the person I am ? a smaller, girlier version of my dad.Your unending belief in my boundless potential empowers me every single day. I can?t thank my stars enough for having you in my life. You are and will always be the best gift I got from life. I have no doubt that God took a piece of you to make me for the person I am ? a smaller, girlier version of my dad.

Love you to the moon and back!

Your hard-headed daughter


Dear Dad,

From traveling and reading to playing and drawing, there isn?t a single moment in my life where your guidance hasn?t helped me. I have countless father-daughter memories to cherish for a lifetime and I am thankful to you for all those memories. Every minute that we ever spent together is an unforgettable experience. All the memories are thickly embedded within my heart.

There are endless reasons why you are the greatest dad in the world for your little girl. Thank you for supporting me in my every ambition and helping me get through them. Remember ? you always taught me to never give up; I promise I won?t ever give up.

Behind every great daughter is truly an incredibly amazing father like you!

Love you loads!


To my loving daddy,

Though you always tend to project your tough emotionless exterior, I know it is to keep me disciplined. I have reached that age now where I can see your motives clearly behind everything you ever asked me to do. It is only because of you that I can now judge what is good or bad for me.

I want you and everyone else to know that I have been gifted with the most amazing dad in the world. Being the stronghold in my life, you set a firm foundation for me to build my life on. The way you have always encouraged and motivated me, and guided me through the ups and downs of my journey is truly remarkable.

Love you!


Dearest Dad,

I will always love you for the guidance, comfort, and encouragement I got from you. You are the most awesome dad ever. More than dad, you have been my playmate, hero, coach and mentor. You were the one who always pushed me to become the strong woman I am today. I cannot thank you enough for your constant love and support you showered upon me all these years. It means more than anything to me.

When I look back at all the beautiful moments I had with you, I know that my life could not have been better. As a dad, you were strong, caring and a man of conviction. I am trying harder to emulate some of your traits so I can set an example of myself too like you did.

Love you more than anything!


Your daughter will always look at the time spent with you vastly different than you do. She will watch every move you make. She might not understand why you are angry sometimes or happy or affectionate, but you will be the most important man in her life ? forever.


This story was previously published on The Good Men Project.