Top 10 Project-Based Tutorials for Learning Javascript

Top 10 Project-Based Tutorials for Learning Javascript

Image for postPhoto from TechTogether Boston.

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1. Intro to JavaScript on the server, and APIs

For this tutorial specifically, you will learn how to use Javascript on the backend of a web application to handle incoming user requests. You will also integrate a 3rd-party API to explore how engineers interface with external data sources.

Intro to Javascript on the Server, and APIs

Before we begin, a disclaimer: Programming occurs at various levels of abstraction. Some people still write straight?

2. Find Bigfoot: Build a Simple game to find Bigfoot using HTML, CSS and JS

Take this tutorial to: learn how to do event handling and how to create pop-up boxes in JavaScript, set a background image for a web page, and directly set the coordinates of an element.

Find Bigfoot – Hack Club Workshops

In this workshop, you will make a game about finding Bigfoot. It will look like this: Links to a live demo and the?

3. How to build an HTML calculator app from scratch using JavaScript

This is an epic article where you learn how to build a calculator from scratch. They will focus on the JavaScript you need to write ? how to think about building the calculator, how to write the code, and eventually, how to clean up your code.

How to build an HTML calculator app from scratch using JavaScript

by Zell Liew How to build an HTML calculator app from scratch using JavaScript This is an epic article where you learn?

4. Designing Animated Book Store With JavaScript, jQuery and CSS.

Learn how to animate a bookshelf using CSS grid, flex, JavaScript, and jQuery. This tutorial is great for beginners with a shared interest in design and programming.

Designing Animated Book Store With JavaScript, jQuery and CSS.

Last two of my tutorials dealt with css grid and flex. I wrote them so I could learn what the possibilities were and?

5. Pure JavaScript ? Building A Real-World Application From Scratch

Modern JavaScript Frameworks like Angular, React and Vue.js make it very easy to build complex single-page web applications. However, using those frameworks is not mandatory and you can also go with plain and pure JavaScript. This tutorial guides you through building a web application in pure JavaScript step-by-step.

Pure JavaScript ? Building A Real-World Application From Scratch

This post has been published first on

6. How to build a simple URL shortener with just HTML and JavaScript

Learn how to build a simple URL shortener that does not need a database system to host it. Learn how to use, This tutorial assumes that you already know some basic HTML & JavaScript.

How to build a simple URL shortener with just HTML and JavaScript

by Palash Bauri How to build a simple URL shortener with just HTML and JavaScript You might have used a URL shortener?

7. Memory Game in Vanilla JavaScript

This tutorial explains some basic HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript concepts. We will discuss data attribute, positioning, perspective, transitions, flexbox, event handling, timeouts and ternaries. You are not expected to have much prior knowledge in programming. If you know what HTML, CSS and JS are for, it?s more than enough!

Memory Game in Vanilla JavaScript

Learn JS, CSS and HTML by building a memory game in 30 minutes!

8. How to Build a Todo List App with JavaScript

If you?re not turned off by the idea of building yet another todo list app, and you?re relatively new to JavaScript and Front-End development, this tutorial is for you.

How to build a Todo List App with JavaScript

Ah yes, the todo list. Probably the most popular thing to build when learning a new programming language. Some people?

9. Creating JavaScript Animations with Anime.js

Anime.js is a very lightweight JavaScript animation engine, 14kb minified, and only 6kb gzipped. It supports all modern browsers and can practically animate anything from CSS properties to arbitrary JavaScript values. In this article, you will learn the basics of Anime.js.

Creating JavaScript Animations with Anime.js

Anime.js is a very lightweight JavaScript animation engine, 14kb minified, and only 6kb gzipped. It supports all modern?

10. How to Build a Simple Gantt Chart With CSS and JavaScript

Unlike the other chart tutorials, you?ll be making heavy use of JavaScript to implement various aspects of the chart. You?ll be able to use this basis as a Gantt chart template for future projects.

How to Build a Simple Gantt Chart With CSS and JavaScript

So far in our series of CSS chart tutorials, we’ve learned how to create different types of charts including bar?

JavaScript 30

Build 30 things with vanilla JS in 30 days with 30 tutorials

How to integrate MailChimp in a JavaScript web app

by Timur (Tima) Zhiyentayev How to integrate MailChimp in a JavaScript web app Image source?


A list of programming tutorials in which learners build an application from scratch. These tutorials are divided into?

Workshops – Hack Club

Set out on your journey by building your own website, then move on to multiplayer games and collaborative web apps?

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BinConsole github logo Updated on ?8 min readFrontend development is challenging to learn. What helped me a lot was not?