Top 10 Magical Quotes from Harry Potter

Top 10 Magical Quotes from Harry Potter

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1. ?It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live? ? Harry Potter and the Philosopher?s Stone

Sometimes we get so caught up on past events that we forget to live in the present. While we are defined by our past, we should always look to the future. We should learn to live in the present and enjoy the now. This quote really hits close to home. I?m not sure why I remember every single small mistake I made in the past. There are benefits of being a kid who forgets about the fight and goes back to play.

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2. ?We could all have been killed or worse, expelled.? ? Harry Potter and the Philosopher?s Stone

This quote perfectly embodies Hermione as a character. In the beginning the only thing she was interested in was her academics. While the quote was written playful in the books. It also reflects on our current education system that emphasizes on academic grades over real-life experience. I mean there?s dark magic all around you and ?He who must not be named? after your friends, and you?re worried about your grades?

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3. ?We?ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That?s who we really are.? ? Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

A wonderful quote from Sirius Black. A man who was imprisoned for years and had all the happiness sucked out of him by Dementors. The quote is even more memorable due to the fact that he would be the last person to believe there is a light in every person. This quote seems like a great way to explain morals to children. We feed the lightness or darkness through our actions.

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4. ?Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself.? ? Harry Potter and the Philosopher?s Stone

?You-Know-Who? or ?He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named? is just one of the other names Voldemort goes by. A name so terrible that people even avoid speaking his name. It?s quite reminiscent of what?s happening in dictatorships. Either you openly be defiant against tyranny and risk being attacked. Or you become submissive and try to hide from the terror. As each person becomes more quiet, the fear increases, and the tyrannical loop continues.

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5. ?You?re a wizard, Harry.? ? Harry Potter and the Philosopher?s Stone

Personally my favorite quote from the Harry Potter franchise. This is the quote that kids are waiting for. For a giant to appear in the middle of night and tell them they?re special. That they?ve always had special powers. That they?re different. You?re a wizard. It would be nice if somebody came and told me what kind of superhero I was. You?re a writer, Harry. You?re an artist, Harry. You?re a runner, Harry. I?m still waiting for my half-giant to appear and take to me Hogwarts.

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6. ??I am not worried, Harry,? said Dumbledore, his voice a little stronger despite the freezing water. ?I am with you.?? ? Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Life is a battle, and going through life alone is tough. We all need a strong mentor and friend, who will always have our back. Dumbledore acts as the father-figure Harry never had, and holds down his own troubles to smile for Harry. Despite the freezing waters, despite the adversities he may face, despite his own personal troubles Dumbledore is there for Harry. Who are enduring the cold waters for?

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7. ?But you know, happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.? ? Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Sometimes life hits you hard. Sometimes you fall into a slump and just can?t get out of bed. Sometimes everything and everyone is against you. It?s important to remember what we?re fighting for in our darkest moments. Why you?re writing that blog post despite all the negative comments. Why you?re drawing that painting despite the negligence. And why you?re building that app despite the naysayers. Remember the light.

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8. ? It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.? ? Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

It what we do with our talents that truly shows who we are. This quote reminds me ?Britain?s Got Talent? contestant Paul Potts. Paul Pott?s has an amazing opera singing voice, but lived his life as an mechanic. He didn?t let his talent go to waste, and chose to take the risk as an opera singer. His ?choice? shows what an amazing singer he is. Not his innate talent that almost went to hidden.

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9. ?You sort of start thinking anything?s possible if you?ve got enough nerve.? ? Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Starting a new project is like bungee jumping off a cliff. It?s terrifying at the top. Sometime we need a small push to overcome our overgrown irrational fears. We have to relearn the ?Art of the Start? simply starting projects, ignoring irrational fears, and overcoming the procrastination monkey. Whenever I have writers block I like to close my eyes and start writing blind. The height of obstacles are all dependent on your state of mind.

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10. ?After all this time? Always.? ? Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

This quote really breaks my heart. Snape states his love for Lily (Harry Potter?s mother). Snape?s affection is also shown clearly in his ?doe patronus? was the same as Lily?s patronus. Having to lose his love for the prosephy to be completed is why Snape protected Harry. And also why Snape hated Neville Longbottom. Because if Neville was the ?chosen one? then Lily would not likely have died.

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