These Tech Companies Give the Largest Signing Bonuses

These Tech Companies Give the Largest Signing Bonuses

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Tech companies are known for offering large signing bonuses to recruit top talent. Facebook in particular, has been known to pay returning software engineering interns up to a $100,000 signing bonus. Quite a bit of cash for a new graduate, and that?s just the signing bonus.

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That?s why we decided to ask our users one simple question: ?Did you receive a signing bonus from your current employer?? A total of 5,212 users responded to the survey, with 67.3 percent answering that they received a signing bonus from their current employer.

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So, where do most signing bonus recipients work? Actually, not Facebook. Amazon leads the way with the highest number of employees who received a signing bonus, with 92 percent of employees answering that they received a signing bonus from the company. Facebook is not that far down the list though. Rounding out the top 5 are Snapchat (87 percent), Apple (86 percent), Facebook (83 percent), and LinkedIn (80 percent). However, only 24 percent of Uber employees said they received a signing bonus.

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Among those who received a bonus, 11.4 percent received one of $100,000 or more. However, the largest percentage of employees received a signing bonus of under $10,000.

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Then we looked at which companies employees are most likely to receive hefty $100,000 signing bonuses. According to the results, 17 percent of Facebook employees received a $100,000+ signing bonus, which was the highest among the top tech companies. Salesforce on the other hand, had the lowest, with only 1.5% answering that they received a signing bonus of $100,000 or more.

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More info about the survey:

A total of 5,212 users of Blind were asked the question, ?Did you receive a signing bonus from your current employer?? Respondents were able to choose only one answer from the following options:

$100K+ ? $90,001-$100K ? $80,001-$90K ? $70,001-$80K ? $60,001-$70K ? $50,001-$60K ? $40,001-$50K ? $30,001-$40K ? $20,001-$30K ? $10,001-$20K ? $10K or less ? No bonus

The survey ran from May 8, 2018 through May 13, 2018.

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