The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod: Summary and Lessons

The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod: Summary and Lessons

?Remember, the moment you accept total responsibility for everything in your life is the moment you claim the power to change anything in your life.?

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The Miracle Morning Summary

The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod is a 6-step morning routine using what are called Life S.A.V.E.R.S.: silence, affirmations, visualization, exercise, reading, and scribing. A good book to pick up if you?re looking to upgrade your mornings.

Executive Summary

How you wake up each day and your morning routine (or lack thereof) dramatically affects your levels of success in every single area of your life.

The Miracle Morning Life S.A.V.E.R.S.:

  1. Silence. Start every morning with a period of purposeful Silence of at least 5 minutes
  2. Affirmations. Program yourself to be confident and successful in everything you do
  3. Visualization. Imagine what you want to achieve and mentally rehearse what you?ll need to do to achieve it
  4. Exercise.
  5. Reading. Learn from the experts and model successful people who have already achieved what you want
  6. Scribing. Writing enables you to document your insights as well as any areas of opportunity

How to create your affirmations:

  1. What You Really Want
  2. Why You Want It
  3. Whom You Are Committed To Being To Create It
  4. What You?re Committed To Doing To Attain It
  5. Add Inspirational Quotes and Philosophies

How to visualize:

  1. Get Ready
  2. Visualize What You Really Want
  3. Visualize Who You Need To Be and What You Need To Do

How to read:

  • Begin with the end in mind
  • Underline, circle, highlight, and take notes in the margins of books
  • Re-read good personal development books

Effective Journaling:

  1. Choose a format
  2. Get a Journal
  3. Decide what to write

How to Wake Up To Your FULL Potential

To create the levels of personal, professional, and financial success you desire, you must first dedicate time each day to becoming the person you need to be, one who is qualified and capable of consistently attracting, creating, and sustaining the levels of success you want.

How you wake up each day and your morning routine (or lack thereof) dramatically affects your levels of success in every single area of your life.

The Miracle Morning is about recreating the experience of waking up feeling energized and excited, and doing it every-single-day of your life ? for the rest of your life.

The 5-Step Snooze-Proof Wake Up Strategy

  1. Set Your Intentions Before Bed. Create genuine excitement for the next morning every night before bed
  2. Move Your Alarm Clock Across The Room. This forces you to get out of bed and engage your body in movement. Motion creates energy, so when you get up and out of bed it naturally helps you wake up
  3. Brush Your Teeth. Go directly to the bathroom sink to brush your teeth and splash some warm (or cold) water on your face
  4. Drink a Full Glass of Water. Hydrate yourself first thing every morning. Fill a glass of water the night before so it?s already there for you in the morning
  5. Get Dressed or Jump In the Shower. Either get dressed in your exercise clothes, so you?re ready to leave your bedroom and immediately engage in your Miracle Morning, or jump in the shower

Miracle Morning Bonus Wake Up Tips

  • Set a timer for your bedroom light. As your alarm goes off, the lights come on in the room. Or turn your light on first thing when your alarm goes off.
  • Set a timer for your bedroom heater. Keep a bedroom heater on an appliance timer set to go off 15 minutes before waking up so you?re not tempted to crawl back under the covers to avoid the cold

The Life S.A.V.E.R.S.: Six Practices Guaranteed To Save You From a Life of Unfulfilled Potential

Life S.A.V.E.R.S. S is for Silence

Start every morning with a period of purposeful Silence of at least 5 minutes.

Activities to choose from and practice during the period of Silence:

  • Meditation
  • Prayer
  • Reflection
  • Deep Breathing
  • Gratitude

Don?t stay in bed for this, and preferably leave your bedroom altogether.

Miracle Morning Meditation:

  • Prepare your mindset and set your expectations. Let go of your stresses and be fully present in this moment
  • Find a quiet, comfortable place to sit. Sit up straight on the couch, on a chair, on the floor, or sit on a pillow, for added comfort
  • Sit upright, cross-legged. Close your eyes or can look down at the ground
  • Begin by focusing on your breath, taking slow, deep breaths. In through the nose, out through the mouth, and be sure to breathe into your belly, rather than your chest
  • Now, start pacing your breath; in slowly on a count of 3 seconds, hold it in for 3 seconds, and then breathe out slowly on a count of 3 seconds
  • As you attempt to quiet your mind, thoughts will still come in to pay a visit. Simply acknowledge them, then let them go, always returning your focus to your breath
  • If you have a constant influx of thoughts, it?s helpful to focus on a single word or a phrase and repeat it over and over again to yourself, as you inhale and exhale

Life S.A.V.E.R.S. A is for Affirmations

Use affirmations to start programming yourself to be confident and successful in everything you do. With enough repetition, your subconscious mind will begin to believe what you tell it, act upon it, and eventually manifest it in your reality.

How to create your affirmations:

  1. What You Really Want. Begin with clarifying, in writing, what you really want ? your ideal vision for yourself and your life ? in each area
  2. Why You Want It. Being crystal clear on your deepest whys will give you an unstoppable purpose.
  3. Whom You Are Committed To Being To Create It. Get clear on who you need to be, are committed to being, in order to take your life, business, health, marriage, etc. to the next level and beyond
  4. What You?re Committed To Doing To Attain It. Specify the actions you will need to take on a consistent basis to make your vision for your ideal life. Include frequency (how often), quantity (how many), and precise time frames (what times you?ll begin and end your activities). Start small and take manageable steps
  5. Add Inspirational Quotes and Philosophies

How to upgrade your affirmations:

  • Tap into your emotions while reading them
  • Incorporate purposeful physiology, such as reciting your affirmations while standing tall, taking deep breaths, making a fist, or exercising
  • Keep updating your affirmations. As you continue to learn, grow, and evolve, so should your affirmations.
  • Be consistent with reading your daily affirmations
  • Read positive self-improvement books and articles to program your mind with the thoughts and beliefs that will support you in creating success

Life S.A.V.E.R.S. V is for Visualization

Visualization is the process of imagining exactly what you want to achieve or attain, and then mentally rehearsing what you?ll need to do to achieve or attain it.

Directly after reading your affirmations ? where you took the time to articulate and focus on your goals and who you need to be to take your life to the next level ? is the prime time to visualize yourself living in alignment with your affirmations. Start with just five minutes of visualization.

3 Simple Steps For Miracle Morning Visualization:

  1. Get Ready. Sit up tall in a comfortable position. Breathe deeply. Close your eyes, clear your mind, and get ready to visualize
  2. Visualize What You Really Want. See yourself accomplishing what you set out to accomplish and how good it will feel to have followed through and achieved your goals
  3. Visualize Who You Need To Be and What You Need To Do. See yourself engaged in the positive actions you?ll need to do each day and make sure you see yourself enjoying the process

Life S.A.V.E.R.S. E is for Exercise

Morning exercise should be a staple in your daily rituals. When you exercise for even a few minutes every morning it significantly boosts your energy, enhances your health, improves self-confidence and emotional well-being, and enables you to think better and concentrate longer.

Life S.A.V.E.R.S. R is for Reading

Reading is one of the most immediate methods for acquiring the knowledge, ideas, and strategies you need to achieve Level 10 success in any area of your life.

The key is to learn from the experts ? those who have already done what you want to do. The fastest way to achieve everything you want is to model successful people who have already achieved it.

Make a commitment to read a minimum of 10 pages per day.

How to read:

  • Begin with the end in mind. Ask yourself why you are reading that book ? what do you want to gain from it ? and keep that outcome in mind
  • You can use your reading time to catch up on religious texts
  • Underline, circle, highlight, and take notes in the margins of books
  • Re-read good personal development books.

My articles on reading:

  • How to Develop a Reading Habit to Unlock Life Growth
  • How To Focus On Reading: 15 Ways to Improve Your Concentration

Life S.A.V.E.R.S. S is for Scribing


Writing enables you to document your insights, ideas, breakthroughs, realizations, successes, and lessons learned, as well as any areas of opportunity, personal growth, or improvement.

Effective Journaling:

  1. Choose a Format. Decide upfront if you want to go with a traditional, physical lined journal or go digital, such as an online journal
  2. Get a Journal. Get a nice and durable journal that you enjoy looking at
  3. Decide What To Write. can write about your goals, dreams, plans, family, commitments, lessons learned, and anything else that you feel you need to focus on in your life

The 6-Minute Miracle (For The Busy People)

  1. Sit quietly in purposeful silence
  2. Read your affirmations out loud from top to bottom
  3. Visualize what it will look and feel like when you reach your goals
  4. Write down some of the things that you?re grateful for, what you?re proud of, and the results you?re committed to creating for that day
  5. Read a self-help book for 1 minute
  6. Move your body

How to Form Habits That Will Transform Your Life (In 30 Days)

Divide the 30-day time frame necessary to implement a positive new habit (or get rid of an old, negative habit) into three 10-day phases.

[Days 1?10] Phase One: Unbearable

The first 10 days of implementing any new habit, or ridding yourself of any old habit, can feel almost unbearable.

But this seemingly unbearable first 10 days is only ?temporary.? It only gets easier from here, and the reward is the ability to create everything you want for your life.

[Days 11?20] Phase Two: Uncomfortable

The 2nd 10-day phase is considerably easier but still requires discipline and commitment on your part.

At this stage, it will still be tempting to fall back to your old behaviors. Stay committed.

[Days 21?30] Phase Three: Unstoppable

The third 10-day phase is crucial to sustaining your new habit, long term. The final 10 days are where you positively reinforce and associate pleasure with your new habit.

Phase Three is also where the actual transformation occurs, as your new habit becomes part of your identity. It transcends the space between something you?re trying and who you?re becoming. You start to see yourself as someone who lives the habit.

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Originally published at on June 11, 2020.