Ten Interesting Pinterest Alternatives Worth Checking Out

Ten Interesting Pinterest Alternatives Worth Checking Out

Image for postPinterest

Pinterest is a visual bookmarking site that has taken everybody by storm very fast. Before the inception of Pinterest, there were not many sites that offered the same visual browsing experience.

It actually has a very simple premise: browse pictures that you like, follow categories that you prefer and bookmark the images that you like the most into neat folders. That?s actually it!

But you would not believe how addictive it really is. You just need to start and before you know it you spend two-plus hours browsing and pinning in a blink of an eye. Pinterest is not the only site that offers this kind of experience.

There are more new sites which offer similar options but with an added twist. Here are 10 very interesting Pinterest alternatives that are worth checking out.


Mamby is a fairly young social platform that actually rewards its users. This platform has everything that Pinterest offers but uses an advanced algorithm that shows you content based on your interests. Just after a few minutes of browsing, the artificial intelligence algorithm implemented here will get to learn your habits and wants and will display images and videos accordingly.

But if you want to post your own videos and images you will be rewarded with cryptocurrency. Mamby is the only social platform that rewards its users by paying them in Bitcoin for the number of likes and views their posts have. It gives a completely different view on Bitcoin mining for people that are interested in doing so.


Juxtapost is currently the second most popular platform, coming as a close second to Pinterest. It generally has the same idea, browsing, viewing and sharing pictures and ultimately gathering ideas. It does not differ from Pinterest at all when it comes to the initial offer that it provides. But the biggest difference is its advantage.

This site comes with a ?More Like This? button, which simply displays for you more ideas, similar to the one that you have been browsing for. It even allows you to browse more without leaving the page that you have started on.

You can save your bookmarked images in a spreadsheet document, making it a unique feature for Juxtapost.


FoodGawker is a Pinterest alternative site specifically dedicated to foodies. It is as simple as its name says, you gawk at food here. If you are a foodaholic and equally enjoy eating and looking at food, you will enjoy spending hours on end on this site. But beware, never do it when you are hungry, or else you may end up losing the better part of your day here.

FoodGawker is a social site which is specifically orientated and dedicated to sharing and viewing pictures of food. You can get great ideas for recipes or simply share your own dishes here for others to see.

An important thing about this site is that it is curated. You can submit any pictures or links that you like, but editors need to review it before it is actually posted on the site. This prevents any pictures that are not food related making it in.

We Heart It

We Heart It is best described as a teen version of Pinterest. This is mainly because of the demographics of users who frequent this site. It mainly consist of young, teen and college girls. This means that there are a lot of heartfelt and heart-tugging pictures there.

But the popularity of this site has skyrocketed just because of the target audience it attracts. It has a steady number of followers and the site is not ashamed to admit it. Compared to Pinterest, it lacks the pinning option but instead of a like button you have the ?Love Button,? which essentially allows you to express your feelings about the pictures you see.

You can also install the ?Heart Button,? which is an additional feature, allowing you to submit images that you find online to your feed on the site.


Designspiration is simply Pinterest for designers. If you are a designer and want to get more ideas or share your own, this platform is the best for you. You are filtered from any different pictures that can only distract you while browsing and allows you to concentrate on specific things that are related to your field of work.

It offers you dynamic search capabilities and allows you to save all of your favorite items to your collection that you can return later and use for your own work. It works pretty much like Pinterest, but the material that you get is orientated and specifically aimed at designers. If you are a designer than this may probably be designer heaven for you.


Dribbble is yet another designer orientated platform. It brings together various designers from different fields; digital designers, illustrators or graphic designers.

People who use this platform can browse it for ideas or they can display their own work here and get feedback from qualified people or their peers. What makes it effective is that you can filter out your search based on color, projects, tags, and various other things. Or you can simply follow your favorite designer this way and get a full insight into their work. It is a great place for people who want to advance their skill and become better designers.

Dribbble may have the same idea as Pinterest but it greatly differs from it as it specializes in one solitary field.


Dudepins is the ultimate Pinterest alternative for men. But the fact of the matter is that this site is not for men who like posting pictures of guns, naked girls and stupid memes. This site is orientated towards people of good taste, who know what they want and who value quality. It is very sophisticated and classy looking and is why it attracts a lot of men who lead this specific way of life. If you are a man who enjoy expensive things and quality, this is the place for you as it will allow you to learn about everything that a real man needs.


Liqurious is simply described as being Pinterest for alcohol. If you enjoy going out in town and having a few, you will enjoy using Liqurious. But this does not mean that you can post a picture of you and your friends being flat out drunk, it is more sophisticated than that.

This site specializes in people sharing their drink ideas and recipes of drinks that they have tried or would want to try out. It is not as community-centric as Pinterest is, but it allows you to publish or browse pictures of drinks and simply gives you an idea of new things that you can try out.


Fancy is a site where you can look at all things cool. It simply has all kinds of pictures and posts of cool stuff. The site is very neatly and nicely done and shows off exquisite taste.

You can browse with ease and pin your favorite cool things that you find. But one important feature is that you can also find places to buy the things that you have pinned. Fancy functions as part social platform and part market. All the things that are listed there also include a link that will direct you to where you can buy them.

So next time when you find something cool and say to yourself ?I want this,? you can start using Fancy as it can direct you to where you can find it in a few easy steps.


Gentlemint is another Pinterest alternative site orientated directly at men. But unfortunately, the site is not as classy as its name suggests. The initial idea may have been that it was aimed at gentlemen of specific taste. But after a while, it simply became a place where all kind of men gather and post things that are mainly interesting for them.

So if you are bored and want to get a good laugh, you can browse this platform and see all kinds of memes, funny pictures, and videos that can help you get through your day. This is a strictly ?no-girls-allowed? club, but we highly doubt that one of them would actually want to join in.