Social Structure of the Ottoman Empire

Social Structure of the Ottoman Empire

People in the Ottoman empire

The Ottoman empire was organized into a very complicated social structure because it was a large and was an empire that had many people. The ottoman society was separated into Muslims and non muslims. Muslims apparently had a higher status than Christians and Jews.

In the Ottoman empire, there were four different types of major social classes. These were men of the pen, men of the sword, men of negotiation, and the men of husbandry. Men of the pen is a type of social class which was consisted of highly educated people like scientists, lawyers, judges, and doctors. This class was actually richer than the other classes. Next the Men of the sword. This class had people who were good with warfare equipment and had military experience or are part of the military. The men of negotiation were people who were merchants, artisans, and others who sell things through negotiation. The Men of the husbandry were at the bottom of the pyramid as in terms of skills, men of husbandry lacked skills or had only very little experience in working. This class mostly consisted of farmers and herders.

Image for postThis is an easy way to remember the Social Structure of the Ottoman Empire

Social Class in the Ottoman Empire

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At the top of the social structure was the sultan or the king of the Ottoman empire. The next one after the sultan was the Shah who was considered the government of the Ottoman empire. Then they had bureaucracy and other classes in which their own merit could possible rise up in the ranks. The commoners had to pay part of their profits from industry, commerce, and farming to the state in the form of taxes, but this allowed them to gain protection from the Sultan. After the common people were Woman who had no freedom at all and had to be veiled at all times. Lastly, there were enslaved boys who were captured to work for them from other parts of the continent and were trained to be in their military or army. Sometimes they were the slaves of the house being bought and forced to do chores at a person?s house.


  1. (Ottoman Empire power pyramid image)
  2. (Ottoman Empire Social Structure image)
  3. (Research)