Pearson Vue Trick

The Pearson Vue Trick(PVT) has been around for years helping many people figure out if they?ve passed their NCLEX before the official results. I?ve briefly listed the steps of how to perform the trick below:

  1. Wait a minimum of 2 hours after taking your NCLEX, and receive the email of completion from Pearson
  2. Go online and sign up for another test date.

After step 2, 2 things can happen. First of which is you sign up for a test, which indicates that you did not pass your test. And the second outcome is that you receive a pop up.

?Our records indicate you have recently scheduled this exam. Another registration cannot be made at this time?

Congratulations you most likely passed! Wait Jacob, don?t you normally blog about coding stuff? Ultimately the people who discovered PVT are using the companies own validations to obtain their results before they are officially released!

Based on all of the information we know, I wanted to see if we could improve on the company?s validations. We know that the company will not allow you to schedule a test if you?ve passed. These test are adaptive test and are graded by computer, and later reviewed by a real person. Because the test are later reviewed, PVT can yield some false positives as well.

if (user.passed === false){//allow the user to schedule test scheduleTest()}else{ alert(“Our records indicate you have recently scheduled this exam. Another registration cannot be made at this time”)}

Instead of allowing the users to register for a test immediately after taking their test. I would suggest having the system prevent them from registering until their official results have been released. We could implement this by adding a new column to the user model, such as scheduled_test. Once a test is scheduled we should set the value to True, and when the test results are released we should reset the value to False.

if(user.scheduled_test === true ){ alert(“Our records indicate you have recently scheduled this exam. Another registration cannot be made at this time”)} else { if (user.passed === false){ //allow the user to schedule test scheduleTest( //sets scheduled_test to true after scheduling ) }else{ alert(“You’re already passed your NCLEX!”) }}/// when results are released set passed to result of their test and set scheduled_test to false

This solution should allow the repeat takers to schedule another test, while preventing those who?ve already passed. Of course this is hypothetical, and I?m sure their code base is much more complex. But it was a fun thought experiment of what could be done to patch this trick. Hats off to the people who discovered the PVT.

Pearson Vue Trick 2019 NCLEX – Does the PVT still work?

YES! The Pearson Vue trick still works, and yes it will work for both the NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN ? The Pearson Vue?