No Job Offer after a Great Interview? Here’s Why

No Job Offer after a Great Interview? Here’s Why

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You have landed an interview with a company you have been hoping to hear from. That means that the hiring manager went through your resume and thought perhaps you would be a great candidate for the job opening. You go for the interview and give your best. The interview says they will call you and you?re confident that you got the job.

But, after days of waiting, you never hear back from the company, or you get a ?polite? rejection email. What could have gone wrong? Lots of qualified job candidates don?t get the job even after a seemingly great interview. Sadly, most hiring managers will not give you honest feedback after your interview.

So, in this article, we will mention some reasons you may not have gotten the job.

You Failed to Follow Instructions and So Didn?t Get the Job

Though following instructions may seem obvious, many candidates fail to secure the job for this reason. In the interview invitation email, the company may ask you to carry some documents along; it could be an education certificate, an ID, some copies of your resume or your references. It is important to double check that you have these things before leaving the house for the interview because whatever they ask you must be important. Failing to meet one or more of their requirements will definitely lead to a negative first impression.

You Relied Too Much on Rehearsed Responses to Ace the Interview

While it is best to prepare for interview questions in advance, using practiced responses too much can ruin your interview. Repeating answers you have rehearsed and mastered too often will make you sound scripted and unauthentic. You should be ready to adapt to the interviewer?s environment and express yourself from the heart. Make sure you research the company before the interview. Then, use your values, skills, and past experiences to show how you can help the company achieve its mission.

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Your Social Media Could Be the Reason You Didn?t Get the Job

Your potential employer may have found your resume to be exceptional. You may have blown them away during the interview. But you still get rejected. Why? Your online activities could have betrayed you. Today, lots of recruiters stalk candidates? social media profiles- LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. The reason for doing a background check of you online is to vet your personality and decide if it is a great fit for the company.

Party pictures, obnoxious and ill-formed posts will make you lose credibility in the eyes of the recruiter. Before you apply for the next job, remove anything that might not look good from the employer?s perspective from your online profiles.

You Weren?t Nice to the Receptionist Hence Didn?t Get the Job

Before you enter the company premises, remember that your behavior will be scrutinized form the minute you set foot inside. So, be polite, and warm to everyone you meet, including the receptionist or administrative assistant who guides you to the interview room. You never know; their opinion of you may count in the hiring decision. Some hiring managers will ask the receptionist what they thought of you.

Non-Verbal Cues Maybe Why There?s No Response After Interview

Believe it or not, your body language says a lot about you. Simple things like a weak handshake, not maintaining eye contact, or being somewhat fidgety can cost you the job that you are so eager for. Avoid socially awkward behavior like hesitating before answering questions, making too many movements with your hands, holding your bag in your lap, or keeping your coat on.

Instead, maintain good posture, nod, and smile when it is appropriate, make eye contact with the person asking you the question, and relax during the interview. Be confident but don?t exhibit behavior that may be seen as rude or arrogant.

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Got a Rejection Email After Interview? Maybe You Rambled Too Much

Sharing too many personal details, telling the interviewer unnecessary stories and including irrelevant information during the interview could have cost you the job offer. That?s why you need to prepare adequately before the interview. If there are tricky issues that are likely to come up in a job interview, such as why you left your previous job, you might want to prepare how you will answer them beforehand.

Decide what is appropriate to talk about to avoid divulging too much personal information and avoid coming off as defensive or over-explaining. Most importantly, don?t vent about your previous employer.

When You Don?t Get the Job: Your Attire Could Have Betrayed You

It is easy to think you have worn properly for the job interview. However, the attire you choose should match the company culture and industry in question. How you look will influence how the interviewer or interview panel will think of you before you open your mouth. Bad body odor, creased, stained or ill-fitting clothing, strong perfume or unkempt hair will indicate that you were not prepared for the interview. So, don?t be sloppy.

Did Not Get the Job? You Didn?t Ask the Interview Any Question

At the end of the interview, the interviewer may ask you, ?do you have any questions for me?? you should always have questions to ask the interviewer, and those questions should be smart. Asking irrelevant and uninformed questions or none at all could deny you the job, even if the rest of the interview went well. Avoid questions about salary, benefits, vacations, and things the company expects you to already know about. Instead ask about career opportunities, the interviewer?s experience in the company, their vision for the position and obstacles you will tackle if selected.

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Follow Up Letter After Interview No Response? You Didn?t Impress

You are not the only one applying for the job, and definitely, you will not be the only candidate shortlisted for the interview. The recruiter may have forgotten all about you the moment the next candidate walks into the interview room. For the interviewer to really notice you from the pool of other interviewees, you must stand out. Avoid answers that are too general and unsophisticated. Show the value you bring to the employer and style yourself as a person who can bring real impact and not just fulfill the listed tasks.

No Signs You Got the Job After an Interview? You Were a Poor Fit

Sometimes, being rejected is beyond your control. You may simply not have been the right fit for the company. In some cases, the interviewer may have felt that your personality would not align with the company?s culture even though your qualifications and experience were adequate for the job.

Signs You Didn?t Get the Job After Interview: Someone Was Better

You may have done your best in the interview and even made a remarkable experience, but someone else was better than you. In this case, take the interview as a learning experience, note where you did great and parts where you could do better in the next interview.

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Hiring Freeze after Job Offer? It Could Be Budget Constraints

You may do well in the final interview and get the callback from the employer offering you the job. However, a couple of days later that the company has decided on an indefinite hiring freeze. When a company is going through difficult financial times, they may hold off hiring during or even after an interview. However, few organizations will admit that they have budget constraints, and you might not get an explanation on why your job offer was overturned.

Advice on How to Ask for Feedback after Job Rejection

After the typical wait time after interview you didn?t get the job, you have little to lose when you ask the company for feedback (but strategically). If the employer responds, you will know where to improve on to increase your chances of being hired for the next job you apply. How do you go about asking for feedback after rejection? The best thing is to get the employer to share the feedback verbally. You can send a short LinkedIn message requesting if you could speak on the phone to get constructive feedback on bettering your skills. If they agree to talk to you, begin by thanking them for their time, and show your interest in the company. Be strategic in asking questions; don?t ask why you were not hired directly.

Asking for Interview Feedback through Email

You could also seek feedback via email. Here?s an example:

Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. (insert name),

I want to thank you for the time you took to interview me for position X, as well as letting me know that I was not selected for the role. I am grateful for the opportunity to share my career details with your company.

I admire your professional experience and therefore, I would be extremely thankful if you obliged for a short telephone call for feedback regarding the interview and how I can improve my presentation. Any communication from you will be highly appreciated.

Thank you for your consideration.

Best Regards,

(Your official name)