Mystic Messenger Schedule Guide fоr Casual Story And Deep Story

Mystic Messenger Schedule Guide fоr Casual Story And Deep Story

We bring y?u a guide with all Mystic Messenger schedules

Having Mystic Messenger schedules will help y?u keep track of when t? chat with each character. Since Mystic Messenger ?s developed ?n real time, y?u can use these chat schedules t? plan when t? log ?n t? ?nteract with the guy of y?ur choice. Knowing when y?u need t? connect ?s very important ?f y?u want t? get somewhere ? ?n fact, Mystic Messenger ?s more complex than even having a real life relationship.

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Our guide t? Mystic Messenger chat schedules are divided ?nto two main sections: first we will talk about general schedules and after the alternative route y?u can follow. From that moment y?u will unlock the chats of y?ur favorite characters and ?t ?s a path of roses.

Mystic Messenger Schedule day 1?4

Casual and full story (all characters): f?reword

This visit shows up each time y?u start another story and ?ncludes openings t? win the hearts of Zen, Yoosung, Jaehee, Jumin and 707.

Casual and deep story (all characters): Day 1

Day 1

  • 00:03?707, Yoosung
  • 02:21 ? Jaehee
  • 04:35 ? Zen
  • 07:00 ? Yoosung
  • 08:00 ? Zen, Jumin
  • 10:04?707, Jumin
  • 11:58 ? Yoosung, 707
  • 12:50 ? Jaehee
  • 13:48 ? Jumin, 707
  • 15:00 ? Zen
  • 16:50?707
  • 18:02 ? Yoosung
  • 18:58 ? Jumin, Zen
  • 19:40 ? Jumin, Iaehee
  • 21:50 ? Zen
  • 22:30 ? Yoosung
  • 23:15 ? Jaehee, Jumin, 707, Zen, Yoosung

Mystic Messenger Schedule ? Casual history (Zen, Yoosung, Jaehee): Days 2, 3

Although y?u can win hearts with Jumin and 707 ?n Casual mode, these character paths are only available ?n Deep mode. Think of these hearts as free points t? turn them ?nto HG ?nstead of ?ndices of affection.

Day 2

  • 00:38 ? Jaehee
  • 03:03 ? Zen
  • 07:00 ? Yoosung
  • 08:05 ? Jumin, Iaehee
  • 11:45 ? Yoosung
  • 12:43?707, Zen
  • 15:00 ? Zen
  • 17:23?707, Jumin, Yoosung
  • 19:02 ? Zen, Yoosung
  • 20:05 ? Zen [Email Opportunity]
  • 21:35 ? Iaehee

Day 3

  • 00:00 ? Zen, 707
  • 03:04 ? Yoosung, Iaehee, Jumin [Email Opportunity]
  • 07:30 ? Zen, Juminn
  • 10:50 ? Jumin, Jaehee, 707 [Email Opportunity]
  • 12:15 ? Zen, Iaehee, Yoosung
  • 13:05 ? Iaehee, Yoosung [Email Opportunity x2]
  • 15:30 ? Zen, Iaehee
  • 17:56 ? Yoosung, Zen [Email Opportunity]
  • 19:42?707, Iaehee
  • 21:15 ? Yoosung, Iaehee, Zen
  • 23:00 ? Yoosung, Zen [Email opportunity x2]

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