Memotenz Review — Don’t Fall For This Cheap Scam!

Memotenz Review — Don’t Fall For This Cheap Scam!

We have already published a detailed Memotenz review on our website. However, some individuals are now making serious attempts at having that page removed; namely, Memotenz. So, we thought we?d publish as many honest, thorough, and detailed Memotenz reviews as we can to make sure everybody has access to this important information!

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On we publish independent, detailed supplement reviews. We cover a lot of supplement categories, but our main focus is on natural cognitive enhancers ? or nootropics, as many of you will know them as.

In the course of our work we sometimes come up against difficult manufacturers. We routinely expose supplement manufacturers for bad practices, be it lying to customers, misrepresenting science, poor customer service, and so on. Many of these manufacturers get upset with us.

They make pathetic threats they can?t follow up on, they try their best to have the pages removed, and they just end up making themselves look terrible.

Every once in a while, we come across a company doing some really under-handed stuff.

When we expose them, they will usually respond by trying everything they can to have our pages removed from the internet.

Well, Memotenz is one such company. We found that this company is currently doing the following:

  • Using paid actors to post as doctors
  • Making false medical claims
  • Misrepresenting scientific evidence to suit their needs
  • Claiming that Memotenz can do things that it certainly cannot
  • Ripping people off with a cheap proprietary blend
  • Using affiliates to produce biased reviews
  • Actively trying to remove criticism of Memotenz online

Just like all the other scammers out there, they?re now getting salty. They are now trying extremely hard ? as hard as their little brains will allow ? to get our pages removed from the internet completely.

They?re sending messages to Google, and to our hosts.

They?re sending fake legal threats.

They might even be crying; who can tell for sure?

None of this will work of course. But we just want to make sure that this information remains here for as long as possible; that way, Memotenz wont be able to flood the first page of Google with their affiliates and continue to rip-off hard working, gullible people.

The people behind Memotenz are crooks. Poor, petty crooks. This page will hopefully outlast them!


The Memotenz formula is pretty terrible. It doesn?t matter what your specific goals are or what you value most about a supplement ? Memotenz is a poor choice.

Here is the Memotenz ingredients list:

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As you can see, Memotenz?s ingredients are all just lumped together in one, big, bloated proprietary blend.

This is pretty much a sure sign of a scam.

There is no legitimate reason to use a proprietary blend. Nobody is going to come and steal your formula. Think about it; the top selling supplements in the world right now all show their full formulas on their bottles and on their websites.

They aren?t all suddenly being ruined by copycats.

There?s no secret recipe to steal here; we know what these substances are and what they do. You pay for a high quality, well put-together stack, not secret sauce!

So manufacturers aren?t protecting their formulas from theft.

Either you genuinely believe that this will happen to you ? in which case you?re a fool ? or you are trying to hide something from potential customers. There is no other option.


If any of you have experience with professional quality nootropic supplements, you?ll know that Memotenz does not look anything like a modern brain supplement.

About half the formula is of seriously questionable benefit.

DMAE is an ineffective focus-enhancer. It seems to backfire more often than it works.

ALCAR does not enhance cognition; it is not a nootropic.

St. John?s Wort has not yet been conclusively proven as an anxiolytic.

Glutamine is an amino acid with no nootropic properties at all. It is found in the human diet in very large quantities; supplementation does practically nothing beyond supplying more amino acids for muscle growth.

That is 4 out of 7 ingredients. Not a great formula by our standards! Memotenz cannot possibly justify the price tag with such a poorly put together, dead weight-laden formula.


One massive problem with Memotenz ? a problem that its biggest affiliates seem to have missed ? is the fact that it contains so many blatant filler ingredients.

Has Glutamine been added to Memotenz because of its amazing nootropic properties?

You know Glutamine; the amino acid that is incredibly abundant in practically every food?

Glutamine, the amino acid with literally no nootropic effects whatsoever.

Obviously, glutamine was not included in Memotenz to boost focus, enhance memory function, or improve mood.

So why was it added to Memotenz?

It is pretty clear to us that glutamine is in Memotenz to act as a filler ? an ingredient which which is used to take up the majority of a formula to keep costs down. Manufacturers can make up 99% of a prop blend with one cheap ingredient and then top it up with the more expensive stuff.

You?re none the wiser because of the proprietary blend.

The solution ? stay away from proprietary blends, including Memotenz!


If you take one thing away from this Memotenz review, we want it to be this ? these guys are utter liars.

We don?t mean that they stretch the truth.

We mean that Memotenz are engaging in full-on deception in order to try to make money out of desperate, vulnerable people.

Let us explain what we mean. Take a look at this video, used willingly by Memotenz and its biggest affiliates on a regular basis:

Now take a look at this actor shilling his services on Fiverr for $50 a pop:

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Seem kind of similar to you?

They do to us too.

Memotenz has been hiring actors on Fiverr to pose as real doctors recommending their supplement.

This is absolutely disgusting behavior.

You might be wondering how a supplement company can get away with doing this. After all, it?s illegal to pretend to be a doctor and to give medical advice isn?t it?

Yes, yes it is.

It is absolutely illegal for to pose as a doctor and to give medical advice for commercial gain.

It is illegal for Memotenz to willingly hire actors to pose as doctors to sell your products too.

Sadly, it can be difficult to get authorities to act on this stuff. All we can really do is try to alert the public, make our warnings as visible as possible, and of course, send a nice concise letter to the requisite authorities (we have never wanted to do this before, but since Memotenz are now hounding us, it feels right).


If you haven?t read this rather unorthodox Memotenz review, we strongly recommend that you go back and do so.

It is a little more concise than the Memotenz review published on our site. It is hopefully a lot more informative than many of the Memotenz reviews posted elsewhere online.

In case you?re pressed for time, we?ll give you a quick overview.

Memotenz hired an actor on Fiverr to pose as a doctor and make out like the nootropic had medical backing.

The Memotenz formula is of extremely low quality. Not only is it a proprietary blend ? always a rip-off ? but it contains some pretty blatant filler ingredients.

They have been trying to have criticism of Memotenz nootropic removed from the internet for years now, to no avail.

All-in-all, Memotenz is a thoroughly unpleasant company, selling a thoroughly unpleasant product. All they have done by pestering legitimate review sites is to bring more attention their way.

We?re sure this will only end badly for them?