Master Theorem

Master Theorem

Solve Recurrence Relation Using Master Theorem / Method

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How to solve a recurrence relation running time ?


To solve a recurrence relation running time you can use many different techniques. One popular technique is to use the Master Theorem also known as the Master Method. ? In the analysis of algorithms, the master theorem provides a solution in asymptotic terms (using Big O notation) for recurrence relations of types that occur in the analysis of many divide and conquer algorithms.?-Wikipedia


Let?s take the example from the video above and solve it using the Master Theorem. The problem is below.

T(n) = T(2n/3) + 1T(0) = 0

Using the Master Theorem, we must identify our a,b, and d values.

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Let?s rewrite the equation to look like the Master Theorem and then identify those values.

T(n) = T(2n/3) + 1 = 1*T(n / (3/2) ) + n?

so a=1, b= (3/2) , d=0

Now we just plug in our values to solve the recurrence, if 1 = (3/2)? then the answer is ?(n^d log n)= ?(n? log n) = ?(log n). This means our function runtime is ?(log n). We could also write it as T(n) = ?(log n).


Let?s take the example from the video above and solve it using the Master Theorem. The problem is below.

T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n log n

Here we assume the base case is some constant because all recurrence relations have a recursive case and a base case. so T(1) = M, where M is a constant.

Let?s rewrite the equation to identify the values A,B,D, and K.

T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n log n

T(n) = AT(n/B) + f(n)

So A= 2, B=2, f(n) = n log n ? D=1 and K=1

Note: Here I have D=1 , because n log n = n log n, which is our function. Note: Here I have K=1, because n log n = log n

Note: In the video the variable D is called C.

Now we check if D is greater than, less than or equal to log base b of a.Log base b of a = log base 2 of 2 = 1 and D=1 so they are equal.

Using the case where those values are equal we can conclude that our function T(n) is ?(n^D log^K+1 n). After plugging in values for D and K, we see T(n) is ?( n log n).


Let?s take the example from the video above and solve it using the Master Theorem. The problem is below, and this is the recurrence of the Merge Sort algorithm.

T(n) = 2T(n/2) + ?( n )

Here we assume the base case is some constant because all recurrence relations have a recursive case and a base case. So T(1) = M, where M is a constant.

Let?s rewrite the equation to identify the values A,B,D, and K.Since we are given f(n) as ?( n ), we can use any function that belongs to that set. I will choose f(n) = n

T(n) = 2T(n/2) + ?( n )

T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n

T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n

T(n) = AT(n/B) + f(n)

A=2, B=2, f(n) = n ? D=1, K=0

NOTE: The Master Theorem in the above video uses a different flavor of the Master Theorem. There is no value K. But assuming we were using the generic Master Theorem K would be equal to 0 because our function is n = n * 1 = n * log? n. Therefore log?n implies k=0, since log ^k n = log? n.

Now we check if D is greater than, less than or equal to log base b of a.Log base b of a = log base 2 of 2 = 1 and D=1 so they are equal.

Using the case where those values are equal we can conclude that our function T(n) is ?(n^D log^K+1 n). After plugging in values for D and K, we see T(n) is ?( n log n) = ?( n log n) .

If you would like to learn more about Algorithm Analysis , you can take my online course here. I also have a course on called Recurrence Relation Made Easy where I help students to understand how to solve recurrence relations and asymptotic terms such as Big-O, Big Omega, and Theta. You can check out my YouTube channel of videos where I solve recurrence relations and perform algorithm analysis on code that anyone can check out for free !

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Introduction to Algorithm Analysis [For Complete Beginners]

Understand and solve algorithms using Big O, Big Omega, and Theta time complexity.

Recurrence Relation Made Easy | Udemy

A guide to solving any recursion program, or recurrence relation.

Thanks for reading this article I hope its helpful to you all ! Keep up the learning, and if you would like more computer science, programming and algorithm analysis videos please visit and subscribe to my YouTube channels (randerson112358 & compsci112358 )

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