As a remember, the traditional way of adding a file to a repository using the command line is summarized into 3 steps as follow:
Step 1:
- Open the terminal.
- Change the current working directory to your local repository.
- Stage the file for commit to your local repository by the following command.
$ git add .
Step 2:
Commit the file that you?ve staged in your local repository.
$ git commit -m “Add existing file”
Step 3:
Push the changes in your local repository to GitHub.
$ git push origin branch-name
How to run ALL in one command from within a Makefile?
put all git add, git commit, git push command in a makefile as follow:
Step 1:
You need just to make a ?makefile? in your project directory. Attention: makefile does not have any extension. Just ?makefile? that?s it.
You see makefile among the others files
Step 2:
put these in that makefile:
git: git add . git commit -m “$m” git push -u origin master
Attention: Each line after the first line I mean (git 🙂 is starting with a tab and not space. Something Like this:
Step 3:
In terminal do this:
make git m=”your message”
and you will see such message in terminal:
That?s it!
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