- Analytica ? visual analytics and statistics package
- Angoss ? products KnowledgeSEEKER and KnowledgeSTUDIO incorporate several data mining algorithms
- ASReml ? for restricted maximum likelihood analyses
- BMDP ? general statistics package
- Cornerstone ? engineering & DoE focused statistical software
- Data Applied ? for building statistical models
- DB Lytix ? 800+ in-database models
- EViews ? for econometric analysis
- FAME (database) ? a system for managing time-series databases
- GAUSS ? programming language for statistics
- Genedata ? software solution for integration and interpretation of experimental data in the life science R&D
- GenStat ? general statistics package
- GLIM ? early package for fitting generalized linear models
- GraphPad InStat ? very simple with lots of guidance and explanations
- GraphPad Prism ? biostatistics and nonlinear regression with clear explanations
- IMSL Numerical Libraries ? software library with statistical algorithms
- JMP ? visual analysis and statistics package
- LIMDEP ? comprehensive statistics and econometrics package
- LISREL ? statistics package used in structural equation modeling
- Maple ? programming language with statistical features
- Mathematica ? a software package with statistical particularly? features
- MATLAB ? programming language with statistical features
- MaxStat Pro ? general statistical software
- MedCalc ? for biomedical sciences
- Microfit ? econometrics package, time series
- Minitab ? general statistics package
- MLwiN ? multilevel models (free to UK academics)
- MRDCL ? scripting language for data validation and tabulation used in market research
- NAG Numerical Library ? comprehensive math and statistics library
- Neural Designer ? commercial deep learning package
- NCSS ? general statistics package
- NLOGIT ? comprehensive statistics and econometrics package
- NMath Stats ? statistical package for .NET Framework
- O-Matrix ? programming language
- OriginPro ? statistics and graphing, programming access to NAG library
- PASS Sample Size Software (PASS) ? power and sample size software from NCSS
- Plotly ? plotting library and styling interface for analyzing data and creating browser-based graphs. Available for R, Python, MATLAB, Julia, and Perl
- Primer-E Primer ? environmental and ecological specific
- PV-WAVE ? programming language comprehensive data analysis and visualization with IMSL statistical package
- Qlucore Omics Explorer ? interactive and visual data analysis software
- Quantum Programming Language ? part of the SPSS MR product line, mostly for data validation and tabulation in Marketing and Opinion Research
- RapidMiner ? machine learning toolbox
- Regression Analysis of Time Series (RATS) ? comprehensive econometric analysis package
- SAS (software) ? comprehensive statistical package
- SHAZAM (Econometrics and Statistics Software) ? comprehensive econometrics and statistics package
- Simul ? econometric tool for multidimensional (multi-sectoral, multi-regional) modeling
- SigmaStat ? package for group analysis
- SmartPLS ? statistics package used in partial least squares path modeling (PLS) and PLS-based structural equation modeling
- SOCR ? online tools for teaching statistics and probability theory
- Speakeasy (computational environment) ? numerical computational environment and programming language with many statistical and econometric analysis features
- SPSS Modeler ? comprehensive data mining and text analytics workbench
- SPSS Statistics ? comprehensive statistics package that stands for ?Statistical Package for the Social Sciences?
- Stata ? comprehensive statistics package
- Statgraphics ? general statistics package to include cloud computing and Six Sigma for use in business development, process improvement, data visualization and statistical analysis, design of experiment, point processes, geospatial analysis, regression, and time series analysis are all included within this complete statistical package.
- Statistica ? comprehensive statistics package
- StatsDirect ? statistics package designed for biomedical, public health and general health science uses
- StatXact ? package for exact nonparametric and parametric statistics
- Systat ? general statistics package
- SuperCROSS ? comprehensive statistics package with ad-hoc, cross tabulation analysis
- S-PLUS ? general statistics package
- Unistat ? general statistics package that can also work as Excel add-in
- The Unscrambler ? free-to-try commercial multivariate analysis software for Windows
- Wolfram Language[1] ? the computer language that evolved from the program Mathematica. It has similar statistical capabilities as Mathematica.
- World Programming System (WPS) ? statistical package that supports the use of Python, R and SAS languages within in a single user program.
- XploRe
Ram Hajraj