Like A Unfair Game of Hopscotch

Like A Unfair Game of Hopscotch

Losing money sucks.

I don?t know anyone who takes pleasure in taking financial losses ? no matter how small it is. No one is immune to monetary setbacks. No matter how hard you plan.

Financial loss is a part of life.


Financial loss often feels like you?re playing an unfair game of hopscotch?where you take one step forward then?. not 1, not 2, not 3 but 4 steps backward!

Image for postImage by ncassullo from Pixabay

These losses cause you to wonder if you will ever get any sort of financial momentum to reach your financial goals in life.

It may even feel like the harder you try the more the curveballs just keep being pitched your way.

So you resign at home plate thinking ?I?m just gonna strike out because I just can?t catch a break!? But what if instead of giving up for not getting on base, we took those strikeouts like a hall of fame champ and say: ?I?ll get em? next time.?

Changing the View of the Game

Given the certainty of financial loss, I think it is less about the loss and more about how we respond to it.

So what are the ways in which we can process through it?

I think learning to live off less is one way to counter our attachments to the reality of financial loss. When we do not attach our life?s value and satisfaction to only being able to enjoy life when we occupy spaces of financial gain we can continue forward through whatever level of financial loss occurs.

Also, I think learning to view financial loss as a character development moment and less of a personal vendetta is a much more healthy way to process through the currency casualties.

By seeing financial loss as an added value instead of a loss in value to our lives can help one process through it.

Oftentimes, the loss of money forces us to take a hard look at the purpose of this life and the things we once held onto as ?the prize.?

When we see that those things are not the true riches in life we then add true value to our lives greater than any silver or paperback can ascribe. No it?s not some philosophical consolation to make you feel better when you take a financial hit, but truly a way to holistically view it.

Losing Money is Necessary

Financial losses are necessary segues in life. Financial losses are life reset?s to cause one to re-evaluate the path and purpose of life.

Without financial loss, I?d gather to say we would probably become more and more narcissistic and prideful.

Thinking our continual gain is because of our own prowess and intellect. Losses (or the threat of it) humble us and remove this smokescreen from our sights.

It?s interesting, the older I get the more I?m starting to realize how little you can control or predict your financial security for the future.

Yes, there are things you can do to begin putting a few things in place now to build for the future; but there?s no guarantee that those long-term predictions will pan out.

I?ve heard many stories where people have worked their whole lives, saved 401ks, stocks, IRA?s, mutual funds, and savings only to have some ?incident? wipe out nearly their entire account (if not the whole thing).

Account?s they worked hard to stack up for years? even decades.

Image for postImage by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

Now, of course, there are others who have been fortunate enough to escape these monetary perils and fly under the radar towards financial paradise.

But, it is of my belief that the percentage of people who fall into this category is less than double digits.

So don?t let the financial loss or continual losses cause you to feel as though you are stupid, not doing something right, or are of less value than others.

Are there certain financial decisions that are dumb or weren?t the best option?.yes!

But don?t let that bad decision determine your financial identity.

Know that life is an AND

Life is both financial gain and financial loss. Nowhere on this planet is there a pathway of just pure gain 100% of the time.

There is a reason you are taught all four elements of mathematics when you enter primary school. You cannot have just addition and multiplication without subtraction and division.

While I?m not a fan of money and the whole development of economic systems in the first place. I realize that even if we didn?t have money, we would still be bartering, trading, or losing something to someone.

So we can?t just sit up here and blame money or have an attitude with it. What we can do instead is view financial loss as both a present and future guarantee.

So we don?t have to be surprised when the loss comes knocking at our doors. Instead, we can take the loss for what it is and find ways to keep moving forward.